Environmental issues prevailing in the society include soil degradation, climate change and lack of environment conservation

Environmental issues prevailing in the society include soil degradation, climate change and lack of environment conservation




Date of Submission

Environmental Philosophy

Environmental issues prevailing in the society include soil degradation, climate change and lack of environment conservation. Crisis within the society contributes towards environmental degradation and damage of natural resources within the environment. Kent use philosophy of considering change in the environment and that ecological transformation may lead into addressing the undermined features of the environment (Kent par 2). The communities however are ignorant on environmental changes. Encouragement and empowerment of people within the community enhances the improvement of environment and its conservation. For example, place-making involves use of common knowledge in sustaining human values. Reinventing environmental policies will ensure that the goals of the government in environmental conservation get achieved within the stipulated period. Kent uses environmental philosophy in winning the people towards his ways of thinking (Zimmerer 63).

Based on the essay, the environmental philosophy involves converting environmental problems into technical problems that have technical solutions. Environmental problems are due to culture and individual behaviour. Kent philosophy explains the changes are likely to occur in the society if they have a positive effect (Fazey, and Steve, 3). Changes in the society follow the agenda of the Green Movement agenda of maximizing quality of life and the environment. Creation of awareness is essential in bringing change towards the community and its residents. Kent aims at creating awareness is to enhance creativity and innovative ideas of sustaining the ecosystem. Environmentalist and government agencies like Project for Public Spaces (PPS) aim at reducing pollution in the environment. Ultimate change may be difficult to achieve because most of the environmental changes are due to human activities. Some of the human activities are due to cultural effects that are difficult to change (Kent par 5).

Kent’s essay gives answers ways of converting environmental problems into ecological capital. Ecological capital enhances improvement of personal lives and visible changes within the community. Taking the example of Mississippi community, agriculture is the main economic activity of the region. Environmental conservation is essential towards achieving good farm produce. Kent poses questions on the environmentalist and the community residents for consideration of the places they live and think about the future community. In addition, Kent gives advice to the community residents to avoid a crisis that may lead in damage of the environment. Crisis led in the creation of movements that help in empowering people in order to avoid environmental degradation. The major movement in Kent’s essay is Project for Public Spaces (PPS) that shapes all the actions that take place in the environment (Kent par 8). PPS also solves problems related to human dissatisfaction in a relationship with the environment. Environmental transformations from the PPS are present in over forty countries (Zimmerer 64).

The failures of the community residents in conserving environment are due ignorance and lack of awareness. Place-making under PPS ensures that the community in Mississippi has encouragement and empowerment in conservation of the environment in order to avoid environmental crisis. Helping members in the community also contributes towards reinventing the environment (Kent par 10). Collaborating with members of the community and government agencies is essential in offering the best services towards environment conservation. Discovery of new ways of environmental conservation ensures little damage on the people’s life. Caring for the environment is a difficult job that requires innovative ideas. The main agenda in environmental conservation is to avoid an increase of carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere. Practicing new environmental strengths from the Green Movements will be essential in protecting the environment and celebrate the happiness of nature (Fazey, and Steve, 7).

Work Cited:

Fazey, I. O. A. N., John A. Fazey, Janet G. Salisbury, David B. Lindenmayer, and Steve Dovers.

“The Nature And Role Of Experiential Knowledge For Environmental

Conservation.” Environmental Conservation 33.01 (2006): 1-10. Print.

Kent, Ethan “Placemaking as a New Environmentalism: Reinvigorating the Environmental

Movement in the 21st Century,” Project For Public Spaces 01 Jan. 2014. Web. 01 May 2014. HYPERLINK “http://www.pps.org/reference/placemaking-as-a-new-environmentalism/” http://www.pps.org/reference/placemaking-as-a-new-environmentalism/

Zimmerer, Karl S. “Cultural Ecology: At The Interface With Political Ecology-The New

Geographies Of Environmental Conservation And Globalization.” Progress in Human Geography 30.1 (2006): 63-72. Print.