English as a Second Language
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English as second language communication skills is designed for students who are at intermediate or have advanced level of proficiency; enables students improve their use of English in everyday communications moreover, as well as in professional settings. This language is in some way taught all over the world which mostly is under different circumstances. For teaching English, it depends with the learners’ native language which may consequently differ from English. For example a speaker native of Chinese mostly encounters a lot of difficulties compared to native speaker of German, reason being that German is actually more closely related to English compared to Chinese. Learners who study or learn English as their second language do face a lot of problems especially when it comes from effects of tracking and as well ability to grouping. For this reason most students are placed into abilities which has low groups which is based their performance that is standardised tests. Basically teacher teaching students who study English as their second their second language faces a lot of challenges as well.
However, they have to employ good practises and strategies in teaching this kind of students for them to understand. The statistics have those students who learn English as their second language perform poorly in their academic for some quite time; this is attributed by the student’s ability of understanding question based in English. Effective practice mostly varies widely depending on the context of the teaching. Students should adopt typical strategies which include listening to influent English, building receptive vocabulary through repetition and schema building, the use of gestures to show comprehension, and choral reading. There are different theories used in teaching English as second language. . The first theory was based on ways of second language formulation had stared with Francois Gouin. The theory was pre-behaviourism. This theory is categorised into different method; the series method, direct method. The direct method is used in sequential use and memorizing thousands of verb and vocabulary words, and all the while, and as well avoiding him native language. This method was deemed successful but at some time faded away. This method basically sorts in teaching the second language mostly by recreating conditions. For instance the teacher who is the role model does an activity-writing on the board-and simultaneously he/she verbalizes it that process of writing on the board. In addition when time goes by the student is able to sharpen his/her linguistic ability or skills. The other method under this theory is direct method. This was a real way of language teaching. It was developed by the reaction which is against ones monotony and ineffectiveness of translation of grammar in classes. This method was borrowed and applied Gounin’s findings. The students are taught to ape the way children mostly learn their first language. This is attributed by directly and needs no explanation of points in grammar as well using only the target language. Moreover the language was inductively used. The main objectives were speaking and as well as listening comprehension. The learner, learns to write by writing what is being dictated by the teacher in those languages being targeted language. Typically direct method was used by students taking turns in reading aloud. The teachers then set test for understandings by asking questions in that particular language and students would have to respond in appropriate way in that language.
The other theory of English as second language is the behaviourism. This theory is based on learning the results from a change of a behaviour which is overt. This one is applied by acquiring of language by learning through emitting an utterance which is reinforced by response by another. Suppose the effect of the imitated behaviour is negative then the behaviour should not be repeated and the response is positive then the vice-verse should be done. The theory is highly based on work drilling that aims in formation of good language characters, and therefore it uses extensive conversation practises in the targeted language. While the students enter the classroom, they receive different linguistics stimuli and therefore, respond to them. For this language to be more effective, then individual’s structures should be represented one at time and eventually practised via repletion drills. Moreover the explanation of grammar should be minimal or could be even non-existent, for this reason the learner will learn structures of grammar through inductive analogy.
The last theory was natural approach theory. This one was developed by Came Krashen which stipulates that the language should communicate the meaning and messages, which can be achieved by learning the lexicon the language which is targeted. This is based on an individual learning the language until he/she begins to speak naturally. This theory in classroom is teacher-centred; there is no use of text book hence the teacher makes the students experience enjoys and unchallenging. The teacher plays a major the role in the classroom for the students to learn the English as the second language. The teacher speaks the targeted language while the students listen but with keeping the no-pressure approach, in this case the learners are allowed to use their native language. In this theory the students gain language without effort.
Basically I teach Physics and there are various strategies I would employ while teaching students who learn English as the second language. Since my class has increasingly become more linguistically diverse. The first strategy will be through the natural approach method. In the natural approach the students first develop communication skills which are basic in English. This approach would be effective if there is no pressure put on students to learn it all in physics and as well making the messages understandable while teaching and be meaningful to the leaner via a variety of techniques. For this strategy to apply in my classroom, I will use visuals that reinforce spoken or written words. This will be through drawing of the diagrams on the board for the student to get visual context which he/she will easily analyse. The use of visual will not only entail drawing but also use of objects relevant to the topic taught in my subject. The use of visual strategy will enable the student memorize what he/she has being taught in class despite English being the second language.
The other strategy which I will employ in my class is adjusting of my speech that is speaking slowly, enunciate, using longer natural pauses, repeat words or phrases, including shorter sentences, fewer pronouns and simple syntax as well. Physics needs high understanding therefore, I will have elaborate words by slowly speaking to students for them to get the concept. Repetition is a basic need in this strategy as it makes the students to understand more what they have being taught in class. Continuous repetition of the physic terminology will keep the students who learn English as there second language in a better position.
The third strategy is the use of fewer idioms and clarifies the meaning of words or phrases in context. Physics subject entails a lot of technical terms which need clarification. For the students learning English as their first language have to be clarified this words and phrases. Idioms may have hidden meaning as used in the context and will upon the teacher to make clarification and show the meaning of the idioms to the students. This strategy would be backed up by stressing high-frequency intonations vocabularies words. Through this the students will know the meaning of the words and as well understand their pronunciations of those words.
Another strategy to be employed is by engaging the students in the practical. Physics mostly entails the field of practical which later is applied in the career course. For the students who learn English as their first language would easily get what is taught in the classroom without much straining. I will how to do the practical while relating what is the textbook for easier understanding. Practical is doing activities physically with the help of theory part which used in that topic. Students taking English as they second language will get to know what they are handling despite the fact they had no idea in the theory part of it.
The last strategy is through the stress participatory during learning. A good students always ask the teachers questions for clarifications of hare and there. Specifically, for the students learning English as their first language, would understand what is taught in my subject since he/she will get clarification from the teacher. I do encourage group discussion since one would gain a lot from their fellow students, the other students will show them on how to pronounce certain words which will be to their advantage.
It is evident that teaching students who are learning English as their second language is a difficult task. With the theories in place one has employ the in the teaching practice and as well formulate strategies which will enable them eradicate this challenge. Teacher especially who don’t teach English as subject faces a lot of difficulties which they have come up with tactics to face it.
DUEÑAS GONZALES, R. (2001). History, theory and policy. Urbana, Ill, National Council of Teachers of English [u.a.].
MAXOM, M. (2013). Teaching english as a foreign language for dummies. Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons. http://rbdigital.oneclickdigital.com.