Employee Motivation Employee Motivation to Etisalat Corporations Success
Employee Motivation: Employee Motivation to Etisalat Corporation’s Success
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AbstractThe fundamental to generating the effective motivation scheme is a reaction to the question what motivate workforces. The purpose of this research paper is to examine which motivation aspects are the most significant by employees. The aim is to scrutinize discoveries in relation present motivation theories. The comprehension from the theoretical section of this research paper together with the outcome of the study can be necessary for Etisalat Corporation, administrators and for HR specialists who organize employment campaigns concentrated on enticing workers.
The investigation relied on a questionnaire given out to 152 resource persons from Etisalat Corporation in UAE. The questionnaire asked from a list of thirteen factors of motivation based their significance. The findings established that an exciting work and better pay are the most essential factors for all employees. Promotion and growth in the corporation and complete acknowledgement of job carried out were as well incorporated among the five factors on the top based their significance
The outcome indicates that the future business people get motivated by aspects from numerous diverse groups. By being aware of the motivating factors that are the most essential for future company growth can tackle the challenge of appreciating, motivating and keeping them.
Key words: Employee motivation, Incentives, Rewards, Motivation factors, Job performance.
ProposalPurpose of the study: The research paper investigated the factors that motivate employees at Elisalat Corporation for better performance. It uncovers factors that call for attention in order for best employee performance in the Company. It examines:
What factors motivate employees in an organization for best performance?
What features connect with people performance in a diverse environment?
Research Statement: At the present day, there is an increasing rivalry on the marketplace. Corporations begin to examine and employ applicants as well as retaining the best performers. Performance is a strategy employed by top world corporations.
Relevance of the study: Owing to a number of theories established in the area of motivation, it is difficult to ascertain the exact factors that motivate employees rather than to carry out an investigation on a particular set company. It is because the level of motivation varies from company to company depending on the manner they treat their employees. It is with this view that the researcher sought to investigate employee motivation at Etisalat Corporation in order to ascertain the company success and provide a recommendation on the way forward.
Research design: the design adopts the qualitative and quantitative design with the utilization of the questionnaire and interview. 20 resource persons will be conducted where 19 will answer questionnaire and interview the HR.
Table of Contents TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174827” Abstract PAGEREF _Toc390174827 h 2
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174828” Proposal PAGEREF _Toc390174828 h 3
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174829” Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc390174829 h 4
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174830” Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc390174830 h 5
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174831” 2.1 Work Motivation Concept PAGEREF _Toc390174831 h 5
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174832” 2.2 Theories of Motivation PAGEREF _Toc390174832 h 6
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174833” 2.3 The effects of motivation on employee’s performance PAGEREF _Toc390174833 h 6
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174834” 2.4 Motivation factors – employee choices PAGEREF _Toc390174834 h 7
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174835” 2.5 Conceptual Framework PAGEREF _Toc390174835 h 8
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174836” 2.6 Hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc390174836 h 8
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174837” Methodology and Approach PAGEREF _Toc390174837 h 8
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174838” 3.1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc390174838 h 8
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174839” 3.2 Research Design PAGEREF _Toc390174839 h 9
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174840” 3.3 Data Collection and analysis PAGEREF _Toc390174840 h 10
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174841” 3.3.1 Questionnaire PAGEREF _Toc390174841 h 10
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174842” 3.3.2 Interview PAGEREF _Toc390174842 h 11
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174843” 4. Factors Motivate Employees in an Organization for Best Performance PAGEREF _Toc390174843 h 11
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174844” 5. Features Connect With People Performance in Diverse Environment PAGEREF _Toc390174844 h 12
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174845” Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc390174845 h 15
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174846” References PAGEREF _Toc390174846 h 17
HYPERLINK l “_Toc390174847” Appendixes PAGEREF _Toc390174847 h 19
1.0 Introduction
Human capital comprises immense world wealth. Management of the employees in an organization is crucial in the pursuit of augmenting effectiveness in an organization. The one of the essential functions of human resource management is motivation. The significance of motivating employees at work is clear at all sections of the company.
Etisalat Corporation has 40 years in business specializing in technological products. It is one of the pioneering telecommunication establishments in the UAE. It is the largest seizing an approximate of AED 90 billion market value and gets estimated annual revenue of AED 39 billion that is the equivalent of $ 10.6 billion. Owing to its aggressiveness, it has branches in nineteen countries in Africa, Asia, and Middle East.
The company is one of the pioneering institutions in the whole of UAE with the cutting edge technologies with utilization of the modern technological advancement in technology. The management is keen to adopting the current technologies in strive to enlarge their market share.
As a way of increasing its market-share, in 2014, it acquired 53% of Etissalat Magrib. It saw the company capturing more than 800 million customers. The success and achievement that the company attains every day is worthy. It is not possible without dedicated ad motivated employees. It is with this view that the researcher sought to look at the employee motivation for the Elisalat success.
Literature Review2.1 Work Motivation ConceptMotives are longings, wants, feelings or instincts that drive an individual perform a task. Motivation is instigation to action. In an environment of working motivation, is to carry out an assigned task. It is a psychological procedure arising from the shared communication amid the person and the atmosphere that influences a person’s selection, energy, and perseverance. Work achievement connects with motivation. Individuals get motivated if they are optimistic of getting targeted results. Well motivated persons are likely to perform assigned task with the intention of attaining set goals (Batista-Taran et al., 2013).
2.2 Theories of MotivationMaslow’s perception of hierarchy of wants is less influential approach. It describes the motivation as an outcome of unsatisfied wants. Herzberg concentrated on dissimilarity amongst motivators categorized as extrinsic and intrinsic. Analysis illustrates that depicts substantial flaws. Vroom’s expectancy-theory describes that the motivation happens when connection in performance and results is apparent and practical. Goal theory stresses the responsibility of a feedback and placing goals relative to performance and motivation. The theory of the equity theory explains that individuals get motivated more if they receive equal treatment (Burchell, & Tumawu, 2014).
2.3 The effects of motivation on employee’s performanceManagers scrutinize means to motivate workers since they presume that the motivation can direct to some optimistic results for the company. Studies present that certainly there is a relation amid motivation and performance. Establishments frequently employ inducements to motivate their workforces (Harvard Business School, 2007). Meta-analysis on the influences of inducements on workstation performance indicates that the average influence of all inducement packages in all work locations shows a 22% boost in performance. It implies that inducements can considerably augment performance and get implemented with much caution. In the investigation, settings better than others display a reasonable degree of performance. Also, the program length determines the performance rate and long programs produce high performance rates than short programs. It as well established that the competition between employees with benefits has some influence in performance (Javed, L., & Javed, 2013).
Inducements in terms of money have a direct bearing in the rate of performance as compared to non-monetary inducements. The ambitions of individuals vary and affect the performance based on certain motivating factors. Individuals who are maximizing on income get motivated differently with individual seeking for status. Person seeking income maximization get motivated when money is a motivating factor whereas person who is seeking status get motivated more when given a position with some status (Khan, Farooq, & Ullah, 2010).
2.4 Motivation factors – employee choicesThere are vast researches carried out and establish that full appreciation of the work done, feeling of attachment in on things and exciting work are the essential motivators for workforces. The motivating factors for each employee in an establishment are safety-implying that employees who get concerned with their job security perform best with the intention of keeping a job. Interesting job is another factor-it is the job with no boredom that gets workers work to their best and delivers results. When there is a chance for progression in the job, employees tend to concentrate very well and hence high performance. Consequently when employees get appreciation, discharge of duties and task is hasten with the intention of getting appreciation and compliments now and then from the boss. The administration of the Corporation as well plays a critical role in the performance. A good visionary management can get workers perform better (Wani, 2013).
It, therefore, concludes that there are factors that motivate a group of employees more than others in a different group. Therefore, factors of motivation vary from company to company, from groups to groups, from programs to programs, and from persons. All these variations depend on the approach adopted by the organization and the individual based on the set goals.
2.5 Conceptual Framework
Figure 1: Conceptual framework
(Source: Researcher)
As the research investigates the interconnection between motivation, motivation factors, and job performance, employees of Etisalat are the sample of the study. The dependent variable is independent variable is job performance, and intervening variables are the motivation factors. The framework of the proposed conceptual model is shown.
2.6 HypothesisH1: Employees’ performances are optimistically connected to the organization’s profitability.
H2: Employees’ motivation is optimistically connected to their performances.
Methodology and Approach3.1 IntroductionThe study sought to find out employee motivation. In particular it sought to find out employees’ motivation in relation to the success of Etisalat Corporation. The study uses two methods-qualitative and quantitative approaches. The reason is to bring into line the researcher’s stand-point, which has come out from an interpretation idea that understanding of the Company purposely as composed of individual‘s working encounter with others (Flick, 2014).
Cooper and Schindler (2010) assert that qualitative-research is utilized by scholars to scrutinize facts from their own standpoint and dig-out the facts and suggestion so as to get an all-inclusive judgment of a dilemma. Based on a study by Corbin and Strauss, (2008) the five features of qualitative research are inductive reasoning, illustrative data, concern with the procedure, and naturalistic. The meaning emphasizes the need and significance of qualitative research.
In investigating current Company system, the tangible justification following such system and what formed the place with Etisalat Corporation in UAE; the study adopts an informative position via questionnaire. Also, phenomenological approach fit with the research-problem. This process takes care of the experiences of individual’s view as championed by Flick (2014), that this approach provides details of the perceptions of human beings via qualitative technique.
In arriving at investigation of Etisalat Corporation in UAE, the researcher got instigated by the success of the Corporation. Therefore, he came up with the goals of looking employees’ motivation in relation to the success of Etisalat Corporation and how the penetrate the various markets in UAE and some sections of Africa. It is evident that the qualitative approach is essential for the study, and that is why the researcher opted to conduct the research in the background of quantitative and qualitative approach.
The sample is 20 resource-people-employees of the Corporation, 19 for questionnaires, and 1 HR for interview questions (Celsi et al., 2011).
3.2 Research Design
The study utilized mixed system. The adoption of the method adopted since it facilitates utilization of both research-methods. The study employed the questionnaire for capturing quantitative collection of data and interview with open-ended questions for qualitative collection of data (Flick, 2014). Jackson (2014), asserts that the researcher get discretion to use both quantitative and qualitative methods that aid sensitivity, contextual, coherence, and creativity and born in mind that the mixture of quantitative data does imply the use of both diverse approaches (Jackson, 2014). The two methods complement one another. The introduction of the quantitative questionnaire in the research is to dig deep into the problems at hand in the study environment.
3.3 Data Collection and analysisBased on mixed research blue-print, interviews and questionnaire were the principal systems of collecting data. The researcher undertook interview and issue out questionnaires for data collection.
3.3.1 Questionnaire
This data collection method utilized to examine employees’ motivation in relation to the success of Etisalat Corporation. It is thirteen point-scales for rating and evaluating employees’ motivation in relation to the success the Corporation. Researcher chooses as it offers an opportunity to gather information regarding the employees’ motivation in relation to the success. Kumar (2005) support that the method utilized via alteration of sentiments and apprehension concerning employees’ motivation in relation to the success as it provides a deeper understanding on employees’ motivation, hence the employees’ motivation in relation to the success of Etisalat Corporation. Kumar (2005) further assert that scales of attitude offer the depth of an aspect or concern as it provides a way of merging diverse aspects to one indicator thereby reducing the danger of manipulating of opinions by a section of respondents on the matter at hand (Kumar, 2007). In addition, a scale for Etisalat Corporation developed which provide a chronological point to the major issues. Zikmund, Babin, Carr, and Griffin, (2012)assert that this present an opportunity for resource-persons to rate themselves with motivating factors and performance It is possible with the use of Likert scale presented as a bi-directional checklist with positive and negative statements ( Zikmund, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2012).
3.3.2 Interview
According to Jackson (2014), interviews are major parts of gathering data with the use of mixed-research. Additionally, an interview is an essential for generating procedure of recognizing other incidences. Therefore, the researcher felt that interviews provided an excellent way of getting information from the resource-persons to grasp their opinions and encounters because in an interview situation is probably a researcher to get comprehensive facts by questioning (Kumar, 2005, p.131). Hence, cross-examination is a perfect means of gathering data in a situation requiring thorough facts.
4. Factors Motivate Employees in an Organization for Best PerformanceIt is clear that he most essential factor selected was interesting work. It leads to ranking by mean due to the position of ranking with many respondents. Percentage of interesting work was 55%, 22%-good wage, 74%-well informed.
Interesting work, good wages and feeling of being well informed and involved are essential, and other factors followed in order of importance starting with full appreciation of the work done, promotion and growth in the organization, freedom to plan and execute work independently, job security, open communication, a good match between job requirements and abilities and experience, good working conditions, participation in goal setting, personal charisma to employees by supervisors, and discipline by supervisors. The last place is that of the supervisor getting 22% of responses from employees and more that 50 percent placed on the three positions ranked last. The supervisor’s individual loyalty to workers positioned in twelve and positioned in three places by 33 percent of the employees. The table 1 below illustrates the results.
Factors Results
Job Security 4.5
Interesting Work 4
Personal Loyalty to employees from supervisors 7
Good Wages 3.5
Good working Conditions 8.5
Promotion and Growth in Organization 4.7
Tactical Discipline from Supervisors 8
Full Appreciation of work done 6.5
Open Communication 8.1
Feeling of being Well informed and Involved 8.3
Freedom to plan and execute work independently 6.9
A good match between job requirements and abilities and experience 8.6
Participation in goal Setting 10.1
Figure 2: Mean ranks and other factors
5. Features Connect With People Performance in Diverse EnvironmentIn looking at gender, there is no statistically-significant difference between the distributions in means ranks of men and the mean ranks of women.
The rho correlation test of Spearman employed to assess the relationship between complete ranks given by men of women indicating strong conformity between the groups.
Besides, there are dissimilarities in order of factors for men and women. Growth and promotion are critical to men. Women critical areas are involvements and getting informed. Other factors ranked high are open communication, a good match amongst job requirements and abilities. It received high ranking by women. Independent work execution and freedom of planning ranked high by men. The table 1 indicates the ranking by both male and females.
Factors Male Female
Job Security 7 9
Interesting Work 1 1
Personal Loyalty to employees from supervisors 11 11
Good Wages 2 2
Good working Conditions 12 10
Promotion and Growth in Organization 3 6
Tactical Discipline from Supervisors 13 13
Full Appreciation of work done 4 4
Open Communication 8 5
Feeling of being Well informed and Involved 5 3
Freedom to plan and execute work independently 6 8
A good match between job requirements and abilities and experience 10 7
Participation in goal Setting 9 12
Table 1: Ranking of motivation by gender
Figure 3: Factors that motivate other people.
In looking at subordinate staff, the figure 3 indicates the results with a good wage being the leading factor that motivates people to work.
From the results, the predominant factors are interesting work and good remuneration for employees of Etisalat. It confirms the factors established by Xie, and Haidung, (2013). Work, that is interesting to employees get them performs better owing to interest and concentration. Remuneration is another critical factor. Monetary terms, allow employees meet all the needs and want in life hence they work best when given better terms. According to the theory of Maslow, the wants on a higher rank take place when, the lower get met. It explains why better pay is a critical factor for employees. Money allows one meet basic need connected to everyday expenditures.
McClelland (1968) proposed that needs alter over time. The reason is that people modify them via experience. Because a comparable group of factors was more crucial for women than for men, the difference is worth to mention. Kovach proposed that maybe women are more interested in inter-personal relations and communication than men. That confirmed in the study of employees. Open communication, was, in fact, more important for female employees than for male employees. The reason is due to the orientation to work as a life responsibility (Hafiza et al., 2011).
The study establishes that the probable options of turning a job interesting is designing a job through variety of tasks and enlarging it. Another good way is enriching the job however; it affects the pay level since there is an increase in responsibilities. Appreciation and good work environment are other factors that emerged in the study. Therefore, Elisalat and other organizations must ensure that these factors are in place for good work performance.
The reason of carrying out the Investigation was to establish which motivation factors thought as the most crucial by employees of Etisalat Corporation. The theoretical part of the research paper depict that motivation is very multifaceted and with no simple solution to the question what inspire workers. The outcome of the research carried out so as to establish and scrutinize factors that inspire workforces from Etisalt Corporation illustrated that motivating factors in the category of intrinsic and extrinsic are among the top of the list.
The outcome advocates that administrators and HR specialists who deal with employees or newly employed workers must not rely only on monetary terms as a principal motivation instrument. Conversely, even though non-monetary motivating factors are strong, they are not likely to direct to the optimum performance if they are the only source of motivation. The study further suggests that the most suitable motivation and reward scheme must endeavor to gratify an assortment of requirements from more than one group. The perfect job for a person has to be interesting and well remunerated. Furthermore, the work atmosphere should generate a feeling of attachment, indebtedness and protection.
Conceivably there have to be as well an immense opportunity for elevation. The designated job would encourage workforces to execute tasks very well. Even though, it may be difficult to present a position that meets all those necessities, Etisalat and another Corporation must be aware of their presence. Establishments can convene the task of drawing, inspiring and keeping workforces by being equipped for a multiplicity of the anticipations. The facts gotten from the research paper may be a decent beginning position for generating motivation structures for employees as well as for preparation of recruitment focused on future employees for Etisalat Corporation.
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Dear employees
In the course of my research project, I would like to ask you to fill a short questionnaire about factors that motivate you in your job.
Your answers are anonymous and confidential. It will take no more than 3 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Tick where applicable.
1. Gender:
2. How old are you?
3. What is your nationality?
4. Do you already have a study related job?
5. Please rank the following factors in order of how each one will motivate you in your future job or motivates you if you already have a study related job. REPLACE a number in front of the factors.
(Where 1 = Most, 13 = Least)
Job security
Interesting work
Personal loyalty to employees from your superiors
Good wages
Good working conditions (such as light, temperature, cleanliness, low noise level)
Promotion and growth in the organization
Tactful discipline from your superiors
Full appreciation of work done
Open communication
Feeling of being well informed and involved
Freedom to plan and execute work independently
A good match between your job requirements and your abilities and experience
Participation in goal setting
6. If there is any other factor that you find motivating at work please state it here:
7. What are three the most important factors that motivate other people?
(Please mark them using X)
Job security
Interesting work
Personal loyalty to employees from superiors
Good wages
Good working conditions (such as light, temperature, cleanliness, low noise level)
Promotion and growth in the organization
Tactful discipline from superiors
Full appreciation of work done
Open communication
Feeling of being well informed and involved
Freedom to plan and execute work independently
A good match between job requirements and abilities and experience
Participation in goal setting
Your help is very much appreciated.
Thank you for your support
What kind of motivating system or method are you currently using for reporting progress on your organization?
What kind of metrics or measure do you currently use to measure the employees performance in your organization?
How do you follow through on work that you delegate to workforce? Can you give an example of the method employed?
Indicate some of the significant development efforts you have undergone in the last few years in performance management.
What are the challenges encountered in the organization in relation to the performance management and employee motivation?
What are the challenges do you encounter in relation to poor performance?
How do you deal with these challenges
Is the organization has reward system/structure? How often do you reward your employees?
What are the motivating factors employed in the company as a way of motivating employees?
Describe in your own words motivation system in the organization. How has it assisted in the organization’s function?
In general what can you say about the performance appraisal system in relation to the company/ achievements?
Thank you for your support