Employee Compliance With The Sexual Harassment Policy

Employee Compliance With The Sexual Harassment Policy

Employee Compliance With The Sexual Harassment Policy


TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc380299479” Introduction PAGEREF _Toc380299479 h 1

HYPERLINK l “_Toc380299480” What is Sexual Harassment? PAGEREF _Toc380299480 h 1

HYPERLINK l “_Toc380299481” What is the Policy of Southern Life Insurance Company? PAGEREF _Toc380299481 h 2

HYPERLINK l “_Toc380299482” What Changes are Necessary? PAGEREF _Toc380299482 h 3


The increased growth and operational scope of the company Southern Life Insurance has undoubtedly been appreciated as it enhances the strength of the company, as well as its sustainability. This growth has also necessitated the hiring of additional employees. Recent times have seen an increase in the cases of sexual harassment in the company. The company has a legal obligation to abide by the provisions of the constitution and especially Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 regarding sexual harassment (Boland 10). It is imperative that all employees of Richmond are aware of what sexual harassment is along with company policies on the same. Any actions necessary for compliance to the provisions need to be encouraged alongside any necessary changes. This would safeguard the company’s safe working environment for all employees and strengthen relationships in the team.

What is Sexual Harassment?

In general terms, the term sexual harassment may be used to underline the coercion or bullying of sexual nature, or the inappropriate and unwelcome promise of rewards so as to get sexual favors (Boland 13). However, the comprehensive definition of the term states that it underlines unwelcome requests for sexual favors, sexual advances, as well as other physical or verbal conduct that is sexual in nature and that creates an offensive or hostile work environment (Boland 14).

This may also encompass offensive remarks done against the opposite sex such as display of distasteful pictures, teasing, sexual jokes, stories, and other offensive remarks comprise the sexual harassment. Such actions can establish a hostile work environment in which all or some of the employees feel uncomfortable or offended. This may come from any individual irrespective of position in company, gender, sexual orientation or even race.

What is the Policy of Southern Life Insurance Company?

The Southern Life Insurance Company has a zero tolerance for any form of workplace harassment, regardless of whether a person is an employee or not or whether the person involved is on the Southern premises, working on-site or off-site. Some examples of intimidating and harassing behavior involve:

Display of offensive material or telling offensive jokes

Unwanted physical contact

Actual or threatened violence

Sexual advances/ Requests for sexual favors



Physical contact


Any kind of harassment should be reported immediately. The company will protect from retaliation any person who is in good faith that reports harassment or provides information in an investigation.

What Changes are Necessary?It is imperative that all employees comply with the company policy if not doing so. On the same note, any cases of sexual harassment should be reported immediately, irrespective of the embarrassment and intimidation with which such an action may come. However, informing the perpetrator that such actions or advances are unwelcome and in bad taste would go a long way in averting the possibility of it happening in the future.

In addition, being your brothers’ or sisters’ keeper I recommended. Employees should report cases of sexual harassment even when they are not happening to them so as to nip the vice in the bud. Joining hands with the victim to ward off the perpetrator would also be imperative as it would not only create a conducive work environment but also enhance cooperation among the workers. Moreover, it is important to keep the co-workers in check other than being personally responsible for yourself. Increased cooperation would enhance the safety and comfort of the work environment and ensure increased job satisfaction.

Works cited

Boland, Mary L. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Naperville, Ill: Sphinx Pub, 2006. Print.