Education Portfolio and Curriculum development

Education Portfolio and Curriculum development

Education Portfolio

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Education Portfolio and Curriculum development

Curriculum development is excellent for the learning process of students. It builds a successful partnership with staff, parents and governors when it is aligned with the mission and vision statements of the institution. Curriculum development is necessary for it to be comprehensive and all rounded. As a result, the courses and programs taught will be tailor-made to teach children in many institutions a wide array of education. For example, incorporating a CTE program offers children a different perspective of education. It is a culmination of thorough teaching instructions and tailor made practices necessary to take children to higher education levels.

Many school boards, which have examined CTE programs, have approved its tactics and teaching methods. CTE programs are designed to be in line with the mission and vision of schools to achieve success in students. They achieve this end through development of helpful association with the school board, teachers and parents. CTE programs are all inclusive; its units are focused on the desires of the student, as well as the requirements of the profession in question. CTE programs provide special platforms to all students in their perception of education.

The children studies focus on careers in different industries such as medicine, engineering and law. Many school boards that have supported the incorporation of CTE programs base their reasoning on its result-oriented methodologies and focus on the success of the interested student. This is helpful in moulding students in their educational path. The CTE program also introduces students to different varieties of careers at the post-secondary level. CTE programs provide an opportunity for struggling students to get into college. This is achieved by ensuring they have sufficient credit scores in their exams. Once a student is engaged in a course they are passionate about, they easily bridge the credit gaps required to make into the college of their choice. As a result, students are not locked out from pursuing their careers in institutions of their choice.


Successful reports on the incorporation of CTE programs in curricula have been adduced in Michigan State, where many school boards have approved it. CTE programs are designed to be in tune with the mission and vision of the institution. This helps it deliver quality education along the philosophy and principles of the school. Moreover, parents are happy about the curriculum being linked with actual careers and professions. This is clearly seen in exercise 1 and session 2 where the application of CTE in curriculum development in the state of Michigan is explored.

They are guaranteed that once their children have learnt the basics of the courses they wish to pursue, they will have an easy time in seeking jobs or employment. If anything the industries associated with the CTE programs will most likely absorb them at an early stage. In some instances, when talent is identified while at the high-school stage, the respective industry or professionals promoting the CTE program can offer to cater for the academic fees at the college level. This acts as an incentive for the student to not seek alternative employment once they have completed the requisite studies. This is a clear and achievable goal, set based on recommendations from session 6.

CTE programs are essential in motivating students, in successful completion of education from high school, and on to college. The program is central in channelling career focus for students that will help support their lives according to comments received in exercise 2 when interviewing a CTE instructor. The instructor further argued that students are placed in institutions and industries that require their expertise. CTE programs aid industries to get involved through their incorporation in curricula; they pinpoint career chances at the workplace. This exercise ensures that students will be equipped with knowledge in their preferred area of career study, and it is in this manner that CTE programs help students succeed in school, an issue also explored in session 4. These views are shared by instructors from the Kalamazoo-St. Joseph CTE program, who I interviewed in exercise 3. In addition, session 3 provides links that clearly demonstrate that CTE programs allow for the learning of skills and workplace knowledge shared amongst career clusters. As such curriculum development as already explored in session 1, is very important, because the curriculum must be designed in such a way that it incorporates CTE.

What makes CTE successful is that a group of experienced personnel monitor it. They are responsible for its progress and management. Students who have enrolled, with many of them achieving the requisite college-credit have posted remarkable results, and others have been guaranteed postsecondary linkages. For instance, the CTE program has been incorporated in Michigan. The team in charge ensures that the program perfectly fits the different curricula, they are many channels set up to link CTE Program units with the exam timetable and other curricula programs.

CTE programs are pivotal in ensuring that the overall economy of a country continues to grow. It offers students opportunities to focus on the careers and professions that they desire at an early stage. As a result, talent is identified and harnessed at an early stage. Corporations are able to save a lot of money in looking for talent, for example, if a company identifies a group of students with genuine interest and talent, they can offer to cater for their college tuition. These terms have the condition that they work for them for a particular period before they move on to other employers in the same field. However, the contracts that the students sign have the option of staying on for as long as they want, after the previous period has lapsed.

Moulding the student to pursue their desires at an early stage translates into economy growth and reduces the chances of having a nation populated with learned children who are not contributing anything to the country’s output.