Designing Research Questions
In the book titled, Action research essentials, Craig (2008) argues that action research could incorporate quantitative, qualitative or mixed-method approach, and stresses the need for a research umbrella in formulation of themes, sub-themes and overarching questions. The whole process of developing appropriate questions is facilitated by the literature review and the ideas acquired are then used to write the final report. The sections below discuss some of the themes that are related to service delivery, while suggesting some appropriate research questions.
Motivation of the workers
Improving service delivery levels should be an obvious goal of each business and this objective can be achieved by motivating the workers and encouraging responsible behavior. At the same time, provision of quality services could be enhanced by using appropriate human resource tools to ensure the company hires the right talent and employees are re-trained frequently. To motivate the workers, the management should consider using extrinsic motivators and other elements such as self-directed work teams, personal development opportunities, coaching, empowerment and intrinsic motivators. This information leads to the following research question: Which elements of reward systems impact positively on the quality of service delivery?
Outsourcing the non-core activities
The need to provide customers with quality services and reduce the operating costs have forced companies to embrace innovative elements such as lean production, re-engineered business processes and integrated supply chains. Most importantly, by outsourcing the non-core functions, organizations are able to concentrate on core competencies and provide a unique value to the customers. Beside improving the service delivery, outsourcing can be used for cost reduction, improving financial performance, lowering innovation risk and improving organizational competitiveness (Quinn, 2000). This information provides us with the following research question: which particular non-core functions should be outsourced to improve service delivery?
Improving communication capabilities and proper resource allocation
It is expected that to improve service levels in an organization, communication should be enhanced by reducing the hierarchy levels and adopting more flat structures. In addition, providing employees with enough resources, secures they have the capacity to deliver quality products and services to the customers. This theme leads to the following research question: which communication strategies should an organization embrace to improve service delivery?
Craig, D. V. (2008). Action research essentials. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Quinn, B.J. (2000). Outsourcing innovation: The new engine of growth. Sloan Management Review, 41(14), 13-23.