Designing a New Workplace

Designing a New Workplace

Title: Designing a New Workplace


(Course Name)

(Institution Name)

28th June 2010


In recent years, small enterprises have become a major concern as the job markets have increasingly become overcrowded. This is due to the fact that there are many candidates who are seeking for jobs hence in order to create more opportunities many people have embarked on job creation aspect aimed at reducing the large and increasing job seekers. In the same way, small entrepreneurs are faced with a challenge of setting up their own enterprises due to lack of experience in setting up plans for the business as well as failure to execute the best ideas for the enterprise.

A good example is the setting up of Vivienne Restaurant. Vivienne and her two brothers have been faced with various problems such as recruitment of the workers who would be performing various tasks in the restaurants, selection of the best candidates who have relevant skills in the operation as well as the management of the restaurants, training of the selected candidates and also motivating the employees to ensure that they are able to work hard towards attaining the restaurants’ goals. Although Vivienne have desired skills in managing human resource, she would need other people who would help her in this process since her brothers will be dealing with the setting up and the management of the accounts in the restaurants. In this case, Vivienne would need to involve some other professional who are well versed with managing human resource. Other additional issues facing Vivienne in the establishment of Vivienne Restaurant include handling legal matters and finding the appropriate location for the restaurants. It is of the essence to note that since Vivienne restaurant will be dealing with Chinese food, there is a need to decide on the appropriate location aimed at capturing those customers who likes the food especially in such a big town as it is easier to gain more customers in the areas where target customers are many.

For the success of any business, the first aspect is the hard work and adamant determination to achieve the goal (Julwel, 2010). It will be beneficial, if Vivienne collect the necessary details for setting up a small business in Australia. This can be done by conducting a thorough research concerning the business venture in order to know the business strengths and weaknesses. This would help Vivienne take advantage of the competitors and be able to explore the opportunities in the market by facing off the threats that face the business venture. This can be achieved through studying trends in the existing business in the market, their products and services. In this case it would be easier for Vivienne to point out the gap in the market hence work hard in the establishment so as to bridge the gaps created by other Restaurants in the market.

Since Vivienne and her two brothers have already decided on the type of restaurant they want to set up and the facilities that should be provided to the customers. Walter and Stephen will solve all the legal matters and cash proceedings like submitting forms for getting licenses, money matters. On the other hand, Vivienne will be in charge of the recruitment process.

Recruitment and selection of suitable candidates for a job is one of the most difficult processes when starting a business. There are various methodologies for doing recruitment. First step is to identify various job vacancies in the business undertaking (Billsberry, 2007). These include the people who are required to work in the restaurant including the services employees as well as those who may help in the management of the restaurants. After identifying the job vacancies in the business venture such as Head Chef, subordinates, Waitress and Waiters, the human resource management team is supposed to publish the job description and the specifications of the needed person regarding qualification and the desired experience in the job. Consequently, after publishing job specification, the team would make arrangements in advertising the job vacancies, clearly indicating the posts for which application is invited and the requirements for the post. Then, the team would set a date for conducting the tests and interview in order to pick on the best candidates that she would work with to the success of the restaurants. After advertising, candidates who have the desired qualifications would advertise for the posts and on receiving the application form, Vivienne with her committee would review on the application letters and publish a list of the successful candidates thus preceding on to interview the candidate on the set date. Consequently, the review of the result of the interview is required so as to get the best candidate to fill the vacant job. This is attained through a series of discussions among the panel members who conducted the interview who then make decision on the best candidates hence the best employees are selected and are given the job.

According to Grant Cairncross, Simon J. Wilde and Lucinda Hutchins(Research Associate with CEDAR and marketing practitioner of Southern Cross University) training plays a key role in achieving the best service quality. Training makes, a man efficient in discharging his duties at the right time. Training incorporates quality in one’s job. Quality staffs helps in providing quality service and a good customer relationship by satisfying the customer needs. Customers are the real success behind the successfulness of any business. Therefore, for the restaurant to be successful and to face off stiff competition, training of the selected employees is very crucial. This is done by designing questionnaires for the entire management team of Vivienne Restaurants. These questionnaires are aimed at identifying various areas in which the candidates need to be trained on therefore the human resource departments plans a meeting with the entire management team from which the areas which need training are identified and the need for training is verified basing on the identified areas. The human resource department is responsible for planning on the components needed for training programs while the training program includes both technical and soft skills (Mike, 2002). Technical skills include hands on training on the job in both services and the food products handled by the restaurant while soft skills involves good communication, team building as well as management skill to ensure that the employees are well aware of the trends in the business. When all the components which are used in training programs are set up, then the human resource select the best instructor who would give the employees the best training for the job (David and Darrell, 2007). This is done by either outsourcing from other organizations or selecting a person in the management team who have sound knowledge on the programs. In this way, the instructor will be able to use proper methods like practical activities and participation of the candidates in the program activities as well as group discussion, role plays and break sessions which are aimed at encouraging candidates to learn about the new job. Likewise, when the training session is complete, the candidates are enquired about the process. This would help the human resource personnel to know whether the training bore any fruits thus, the new employees are given roles to play depending on the skills they acquire (Leslie, 2002). In the same way, the management team may conduct weekly analysis of the staffs so as to grade their performance.

The management team has to take utmost care to maintain its quality throughout and also see to it that the staffs are not leaving the job in between. In this case, in order to maintain the best employees working in the restaurant, various motivation factors should be adopted. One of the motivation factors is to offer the employees the salary that would help them cater for their daily needs while working for the company (Richard, 2003). It is important to note that a satisfied worker is always a productive worker hence giving the employees reasonable salary based on the work they are doing may bring wonderful performance in the company. In the same way, Vivienne Restaurant management team should ensure that the employees well being is catered for by giving them various benefits like insurance. Furthermore the company need to reward the best performing customers through promotion or the use of rewards for those who perform well. In this way, performance would remain higher as the best employees stick to the company hence success of the restaurant.


Basing on the above analysis, it is vital to note that starting a business venture is very challenging especially for small entrepreneurs. In this regard, it is important to ensure that proper planning for the business are made such as capital, location for the business venture as well as management of human resources as found in the establishment of Vivienne restaurants. Although the owner has enough capital with regard to their family background, there are still many aspects involved in setting a business until it stands. Therefore in my opinion, human resource management should be done with a lot of care since the outcome of the process mainly determines the success of business venture. This is due to the fact that the people brought in to work for the company determine the performance of the business hence it is imperative to select and hire well trained personnel as well as motivating them in order to gain success in the business.

Reference list

Billsberry, J. (2007). Experiencing Recruitment and Selection, New York: John Wiley and Sons

David J. and Darrell K. (2007). The training evaluation process: a practical approach to evaluating corporate training programs, Boston: Springer

Grant C., Simon J. and Lucinda H. (2008). Training and service quality – a case study analysis of regional Australian restaurants, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Southern Cross University

Julwel K. (2010). Bringing Out the Best in You through Life Challenges, Canada: AEG Publishing Group

Leslie R. (2002). Assessing the value of your training: the evaluation process from training needs to the report to the board, New York: Gower Publishing, Ltd.

Mike Wills. (2002). Managing the training process: putting the principles into practice, New York: Gower Publishing

Richard M. (2003). The dynamics of persuasion: communication and attitudes in the 21st century, London: Routledge