Descriptive Essay My Best Room
Descriptive Essay: My Best Room
My bedroom is the best place in the house because it gives me the much needed privacy and comfort. It is the only place that I can stay by myself and be very comfortable. Of great importance is the fact that I use it for my leisure and relaxation activities. As such, it has all necessary equipment and facilities that provide the highest level of comfort. The door of the room has a short welcome message that lightens up my mood every rime I enter the room. On entering the room, the bed is the first item placed in the middle of the room. It is a double bed dark brown in color and has six pillows and my best comforter. This is a little mermaid that is very warm and soft.
In addition, the bed has a Tickle Me Elmo that provides me with any form of company. Then, the warm covers of the bed that have an inviting cream white color make it possible for me to cover up, listen to my favorite soul music or read an exciting novel. As the natural light filters through the netting curtains, a beautiful painting of a deer appears on the opposite wall. I found out about the beauty of nature when I made the best painting in my art class. It still hangs on my work desk and puts a smile my face each day. This is a real representation of the success I have had since childhood.
Beside it is a luxurious lamp shade that has scalloped edges that does not only provide enough light for study but also adds style to the room. Besides it are a couple of magazines of the top models and movie stars. I love fashion and relative events and most of the time; I tend to have a glimpse before sleeping. In addition, there are also a few light novels that I read at bedtime. Basically, this is my best place and most a times, I just lie on the same and dream away.
To the left of the room, there is my dresser that contains my personal items such as perfume, hair ties, jewelry and alarm clock. In addition, it contains other junk items that I find in my bag at the end of each day. These are neatly arranged with each drawer having its components. The dresser is dark brown in color and it has eight drawers, sets of four side by side.
Next to that is my curio cabinet that contains sets of porcelain dolls whose colors range from cream white to cream, white, light brown and dark brown. They are twenty five in number and I am very protective of them. In particular, absolutely nobody apart from me is allowed to touch them. The color of the cabinet is brown and it has glass shelves. Next to the bed on the right is my entertainment center. This has a music stereo and thousands of pictures as well as photographs of different events. In addition, it has a collection of music albums of soul music and rock music.
Next to the entertainment area, I have a hope chest that has my invaluable items that could have future importance. These include old picture frames, neatly folded towels and some old clothes that I fancy. The top of this is neatly lined with white netting that seeks to lighten the room.
To the extreme left, I have a study area that also acts as my work desk. The desk has a computer, a desk calendar, assorted textbooks and pencil holder. A keen look at the calendar would portray marked deadlines, important examination dates and activities of the days that I usually have an off from school. It also has two post cards, one that I got from my grand parents and another one that contains breathtaking scenery of a water fall. I do enjoy the beauty of the environment and every time it reminds me of our homeland and the overall beauty of the environment. Right below the post cards, I have hanged a few photographs of myself when I was still young. Together with the postcards, these photographs often remind me of the beauty of life. Then there is my desktop computer of the latest model. This performs most of my duties and without it; life could have been close to impossible. It also has a modem that basically connects me to the rest of the globe through the internet.
Since I tend to like pictures of the natural environment found in the wilderness and wildlife, my walls are lined with neatly framed pictures of natural scenery. I believe the give the room a natural mood, away from the hustles of life. Personally, I love a combination of brown, cream and white colors. As such, the walls are painted with cream and the floor is lined with a soft and inviting dark brown carpet. Almost all furniture is brown in color. The curtains and most of the upholstery is a combination of white, brown and cream colors.