Describe the purpose of undertaking surveys on the progress of your organization development program,

Describe the purpose of undertaking surveys on the progress of your organization development program,


1 Describe the purpose of undertaking surveys on the progress of your organization development program,

The motivation behind a study is to distinguish attributes of an “entire” gathering of investment (populace) by taking a gander at a subset of that gathering (an example). Reviews are utilized to acquire demographic data about dialect learners. Reviews are a decent method for gathering “certainties” as opposed to ‘feelings’. In the event that overview inquiries are worded precisely and the review achieves a huge populace, speculations can be made. In overview plan it is imperative: (1) to focus the reason for the study i.e. exploration addresses; (2) indicate the populace (i.e. is the overview plausible); (3) settle on routines for information accumulation (NB surveys are the most pervasive techniques); (4) train information gatherers or questioners; (5) gather and investigate information (NB expressive detail are numbers that outline the information). Connection investigation can investigate further essential issues e.g. address the issue of non-reaction

2 Why is it important to maintain regular team meetings and individual feedback?

Meetings are Powerful Business Weapon

Meetings Keep the Organization on Track

Meetings Help a Team Arrive at a Consensus

3 Detail 3 different activities and interventions you can set out in an organisation development plan

Improving the communication strategies

Encouraging decision making

Having regular meetings

4 How could you ensure senior management reinforces your organisation development program?

Establish Knowledge Management Program Objectives

Prepare for Change

Determine and Prioritize Technology Needs

5 In what terms would you evaluate your organization development plans



6 Describe 4 different change management techniques.

 Create a shared goal

 Collaborate on a solution with everyone impacted

 Communicate the proposed solution and benefits

 Celebrate the minor successes along the way

7 What activities may team development and training activities include?

Change management

Evaluation and implementation of organizational development

Organizational culture

8 Describe 6 different organisational change methods, models or theories

“Large Leaps” or Punctuated Equilibrium Theory

Coalition” Theory or Advocacy Coalition Framework

Policy Windows” or Agenda Setting

Messaging and Frameworks” or Prospect Theory

Power Politics” or Power Elites Theory

Grassroots” or Community Organizing Theory