Definition of old and new advertising Plus how you think is going to be, in the future, around the whole this world

Definition of old and new advertising Plus how you think is going to be, in the future, around the whole this world






Advertising or marketing in general is one of the most fundamental aspects of any business. In fact, it holds a bearing on the profitability of a business thanks to its influence on the number of people who get to know about the business, as well as the consequent volume of sales or rather the conversion rates. It is worth noting that marketing, or advertising have undergone a tremendous change in the course of time. It has incorporated new techniques all in an effort to expand its reach and enhance its effectiveness.

1. Definition of old and new advertising? Plus how you think is going to be, in the future, around the whole this world?

A customer’s reflection on an experience is largely influenced by his or her anticipation of that experience, which is created prior to or in the initial visceral moments of that experience. It is worth noting that the brand pertaining to a product is essentially a person’s gut feeling about the product, organization or service. In essence, brands are the customers’ personal reflection of a certain experience, which is influenced by their anticipation. This marks the difference between new and old advertising (Tuten, 57).

Old advertising revolves around creating the appropriate anticipation and making that the participant has the best possible outset prior to the experience, as well as coloring the reflection and the usage. On the other hand, new advertising revolves around the experience. It involves the creating the experience, participating in it, as well as adding some extra experiences so as to enforce and diverse the brand (Tuten, 89).

The differences between old and new advertising go deeper than the definition. They go into the different techniques that are used in the old and new advertising. However, as much as the techniques may not have undergone such a tremendous change the venues have changed almost entirely.

One of the techniques of old advertising was newspaper advertising. Prior to the advent of the internet in many households, the consumers spent quite a lot of time perusing the newspapers from the front page to the back. This was, in fact, the best way of getting information on what was happening in the neighborhood, as well as finding vendors of certain products and services. Of course, people still “peruse” papers for such information, but the venue has changed entirely. Consumers can get the information that they need online. In fact, the information is updated in real time, which has forced newspapers around the world to shut down and adopt the online version of offering the information.

In addition, old advertising involved in-person social networking, or one-on-one marketing. In this case, new business owners would benefit immensely from attending numerous social functions that were sponsored by the local civic organizations. Many people in such localities would gather for drinks and hors d’oeuvres and close business deals, which were based on the adage, “scratch my back, and I will scratch yours”. In new advertising, social networking occupies quite a crucial component of marketing, but the venue has been modified entirely. This has been made possible by the advance in science and technology, which has allowed for digital communication in social media websites such as MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. It is worth noting, however, that the rules pertaining to polite interaction have remained intact. Business relationships, even in the social media websites, would not be developed in a manner that does not support face-to-face interactions. In essence, it is always imperative that businesses adopt respectful tones when advertising online and take an interest in other members via written word (Constantinides et al, 49).

Old advertising also involved cold sales calls, where marketers would go through long lists of telephone numbers and make calls while hoping that the individuals on the other end of the line would be interested in the products and services they were selling. New advertising, however, involves websites where the customers would do their shopping online (Scott, 69). In essence, the vendors only have to create websites and list their products on sales letters, then use fundamental website optimization techniques for the search engines and voila! They have the customers streaming to their websites (Constantinides et al, 78).

In my opinion, advancement in technology is yet to show or exploit its full potential. In essence, it is extremely likely that new advertisement that involves social media websites is here to stay and is essentially the future of advertising (Dury, 59).

2. Traditional and nontraditional – VS – New Social Media.

Social media have formed an enormous part of advertising. As I stated earlier, social networking is not an entirely new phenomenon. It has always been incorporated in advertising with many vendors aiming at expanding their reach through business conventions, where deals are made between them. However, there has been a complete modification of the medium that is used in the modern times.

Traditional and nontraditional social media mainly involved the print media such as magazines, newspapers, as well as network radio and television. This has, however, changed entirely in the recent times, thanks to the entry of new social media. In this case, social media websites have become the key marketing grounds for many companies (Scott, 78). It goes without saying that, this new social media has had tremendous success with every other business seeking ways of tapping into the numerous opportunities that the social media presents. There are various reasons that have led to the tremendous success of the social media over the traditional and nontraditional methods of advertisement (Gladwell, 97).

First, the new social media allow for increased interaction between the vendors and their customers, whether potential or existing. It is worth noting that, the customers not only get an opportunity to place their order online but also communicate with the vendors in real time especially when they need more information on the services and products for which they are looking. In essence, the communication channels are opened while the exposure of the company’s products and services is expanded. Conventional media were limited as far as instant access to communication channels is concerned. New social media, therefore, provides companies with an almost real-time reaction, which is indeed beneficial for companies in dealing with the emerging communication crisis (Qualman, 64). They have come up with a dedicated, and around-the-clock, close monitoring of the online social spaces, thereby giving them the capability to address minor complaints in a speedy manner before they develop into public relations disasters. It goes without saying that consumers have an opportunity to view the varied products that the company may be offering than in the case of tradition media, which essentially involved word of mouth.

New social media have also allowed for real-time customer management. It is worth noting that close customer management via the social media translates into enhanced customer service experience (Qualman, 43). For example, most of the queries made by customers in companies’ twitter accounts are fundamentally responded to in full public view. In essence, the new social media create a perception in customers and noncustomers that they are responsive. This, in effect, provides for the manifestation of powerful results through impressive service. The approach provides for an enhanced level of transparency, as well as genuine authenticity to the profile of the company and ultimately enhances its customer retention efforts. This adds to the advantage that the use of new social media is arguably more cost effective in the long term than the traditional media (Qualman, 89).

However, it is worth noting that the new social media has led companies to loss control over the consumer perceptions of their brand. There has been a reduction in the control that companies have over their corporate message, as well as the individuals that are responsible for disseminating information pertaining to the organization. It is noteworthy that any individual with a computer and internet connection in capable of commenting or reviewing varied brands whether on the social media or in other websites, in the internet. The effect of “media democratization” comes as a crucial inducement for the reevaluation of the manner in which companies and brands communicate (Qualman, 67).

3. Compare Traditional and nontraditional between USA against Middle Eastand Saudi Arabia and how the different?

There are evident differences and similarities between traditional and nontraditional advertisement methods in Middle East or Saudi Arabia and the United States. These differences have a bearing on the impact of the two types of advertising in the different settings. It is worth noting that the key differences in the two regions mainly pertain to the media used.

One of the similarities between the advertising in the United States and Middle East and Saudi Arabia is the incorporation of social networks in the traditional advertising. It is worth noting that the United States and the Middle East both used social networks such as organizational conventions in their advertisement (Evans and McKee, 47)..

However, the difference comes as to the extent of advertisement in the case of traditional methods. In the United States, traditional methods of advertisement such as newspapers, magazines, televisions and radio networks were highly used and regarded to the extent that they went beyond borders. This was, however, not the case in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia. It is noteworthy that, most adverts targeted the local markets in which case companies and businesses never saw the essence of advertising with them as they were already conversant with the various regions. In fact, multinational corporations had to have their own advertisement agencies or departments to cater for such needs (Evans and McKee, 56)..

As for nontraditional advertisement, the uptake of such techniques in the United States is considerably higher than that of the Middle East. In fact, websites and internet shopping is regarded as the main way of business, which is not the case in Saudi Arabia and Middle East.

4. Write about the advertising agencies and ARE they still use the traditional way or they change to be one of the new social media. And why they change from old style way to the newest ways.

The role that advertising agencies play in enhancing the profitability of businesses cannot be understated. These refer to outside companies that meet the advertising and marketing needs of other organizations and businesses. They provide a full range of services pertaining to advertising, as well as advice that is based on studies conducted on the market, advanced sales techniques and popular culture (Evans and McKee, 57). It is worth noting that they can be objective as to the promotional needs of the client thanks to their independence from the client business or company.

Advertising agencies come up with logos, thereby creating attractive and effective color schemes that draw the attention of the customers to their clients’ adverts. In addition, they prepare brochures and slogans in which they incorporate descriptive copies for the sales materials. In some cases, they may come up with public service announcements for social programs and charitable organizations, as well as produce press releases for new products, events or programs of their clients. It is noteworthy that advertising agencies use varied forms of media in the promotion of their clients’ organizations or businesses, as well as goods and services. These include radio and television commercials, infomercials, magazine advertisements, social media websites, as well as newspaper ads. In some cases, advertising agencies may plan events, give away some promotional items or even offer booths at conventions (Hameroff, 17).

The working of advertisement agencies mainly revolves around getting a clear knowledge of the services and produces that the client is offering. Once they have this information, they determine the demographics that provide the most appropriate audience for the promotion of these goods and services (Hameroff, 67). For example, in case the client company sells designer, lady handbags, the advertising agencies are likely to strive to position the clients’ television adverts in channels that are geared towards women or during programs that target women. It is worth noting that the tone and look of the advertisement campaign depends on the demographics. For example, in cases where the company targets mature audience, the design elements are likely to take on a traditional look (Hameroff, 79).

Evidently, advertising agencies have numerous mediums through which they can serve their clients and execute their roles. Most of these methods of advertising use traditional advertising methods. This, however, does not undermine the fact that there has been a tremendous shift in the mediums that advertising agencies use, with many of them opting for the new social media. These include social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, as well as the advertising companies’ own websites. This has been triggered by the need to keep up with the ever-changing marketing and advertising options. As much as the adoption of new social media advertising has been slow, numerous companies have realized the importance of keeping up with the emerging trends. There are various reasons for this shift in favor of new social media (Hameroff, 40).

One of the key reasons on why advertising agencies are shifting to social media advertising is the magnitude of exposure that the social media avails. It goes without saying that many consumers do their shopping online. In essence, the appropriate social media campaign has the capacity to reach millions of people who use social media every day. Reaching such an audience would have been a herculean task for the agencies if they used traditional means of advertising (Hameroff, 67).

In addition, the new social media advertising offers relatively immediate results. It is extremely possible for companies to have their website visitor increase tremendously depending on their adverts’ effectiveness. This provides an excellent ground for launching events and products (Hameroff, 27).

5. In terms of advertising, how OLD and NEW advertising impact the societyin USA?

It goes without saying that there exist some fundamental differences between old and new advertising. This is not only as to the techniques but also the venues where such marketing occurs. In essence, there are fundamental differences in their impacts on society (Bughin, 69). These differences are compounded by the variations among the different communities or societies as they define the absorption of such forms of advertisement. This, however, does not undermine the fact that there exist some similarities between the impacts of the two advertising methods whether in the same or different communities regardless of the absorption (Simmonds, 78).

In the United States, it goes without saying that the absorption of new advertising has been quite high. This has been partly due to the freedom and democracy that the country enjoys especially as far as sharing information and speech is concerned. In the same way, the impact of both old and new advertisement has been tremendous (Simmonds, 67).

First, these forms of advertising have opened up communities and new markets for businesses. This is especially due to their tremendous reach in the market, which allows many users to be reached every day especially in the case of new advertising. Of course, there are variations as to the reach of both forms of advertising, which consequently leads to differences in their impacts. Either way, they have opened up communities and allowed for enhanced communication between the varied stakeholders (Petley, 34).

In addition, new advertising has enhanced the participation of individuals in the building of varied brands. It is worth noting that the increase in internet usage coupled with the simultaneous decrease in the viewing of television has enabled the consumers in the United States to have increased control on their view of and interaction with advertising, as well as their capability to filter the same (Spurgeon, 22).

In addition, new advertising has allowed for the incorporation of peer-delivered and user-generated content, as well as ad-revenue-sharing models, where amateurs and semi-professionals have the opportunity to come up with low-cost advertising content. This has, consequently, resulted in an expansion, in the realm of adverts’ creativity (Spurgeon, 23).

On the same note, it is noteworthy that there has been a change in the advertising format from impression-based to a relatively impact based format. In essence, marketers now have the capacity to measure beyond the ad-reach to the actual engagement of the service or product. In addition, the adverts space that is currently available via efficient and open exchanges has led to the replacement of proprietary marketers by open platforms (Stafford, 67).

The proliferation of new advertising has made people almost immune to the consuming culture process. It has become imperative for the advertising industry to revive itself, thanks to the fact that the numerous products in the culture industry have regenerated to a something akin to a visual distraction (Fox, 45). It is worth noting that the viewers’ attraction is captured by the novelty and excitement with which adverts come, which also props up the culture industry thereby making sales. The success of any advert lies on getting noticed, which explains the reason as to why people continue buying advertised products even when they can see them (Stafford, 45).

6. In terms of advertising, how does old and new advertising impact the society in Middle East and Saudi Arabia?

In understanding the impact of new and old advertising on the society of Middle East and Saudi Arabia, it is imperative to examine the regions involved. This is because each region incorporates its own culture, as well as likes and dislikes, which effective marketing aims at exploiting to their advantage. It is worth noting that the Middle East and Saudi Arabia have not been left behind as far as the incorporation of new advertising is concerned. This, however, does not undermine the fact that their incorporation is a bit low compared to other regions such as the United States. In essence, the magnitude of advertising impact may be different. However, there are various similarities between the impacts between the impacts of old and new advertising in Saudi Arabia and United States (Stoklossa and Rempen, 69).

Until the late stages of the 90s, Saudi Arabia’s advertisement was mainly restricted to the local media. Most companies saw no need for advertising agencies since most the media were mainly local. After all, they had a perfect knowledge of the local market, in which case they preferred to create their own in-house creative departments which would sell their services and products to the local consumers (Kavoossi 36). This cheap and seemingly efficient status quo remained for decades. However, this has changed immensely in the recent times with close to 50% of internet users in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia being on social media. Research has also shown that for a fifth of internet users (20 percent) in Saudi Arabia, following and liking a brand mostly translated to purchasing products that appear under the brand name (Fox, 78).

One of the principal impacts of old and new advertising is opening up societies in these regions to each other, as well as to other societies around the world. It is worth noting that as much as old advertising was the main thing until the late 90s, it still enabled the interaction between the societies in these regions (Kavoossi, 45). This was complemented by the entry of the new advertising, which opened up societies in these areas to other societies in the world. Evidently, there is a considerable uptake of new advertising in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. In essence, the communities in this area have expanded their view on the outside world.

On the same note, the opening up of these markets has not only allowed for changes in market structures but also increased the competition between local and international market players. Evidently, the competition has led to a reduction in the prices of commodities (Darouni, 67).

In addition, old and new advertising has led to an increase in innovation in the two regions. This is especially having in mind that there has been an increase in the level of competition. As stated, the attraction of potential consumers is mainly piqued by the attractiveness of the adverts, as well as the creativity or innovation that has been incorporated in the making up of the adverts. In essence, both amateurs and semi-professionals in adverts have had to enhance their creativity so as to have an edge in the market and increase their market share (Darouni, 57). Obviously, this has also involved the establishment of numerous advertising agencies in these regions. It goes without saying that the advertising techniques have also led to the expansion of existing markets in these regions.

However, old and new advertising has also created relative insecurity among the people in these regions. This is especially in the case of new advertising, which involves the internet. It is worth noting that some of these websites share their customers’ private and confidential information with other websites, thereby endangering the lives of their customers (Stoklossa and Rempen, 78). This was unheard of in the case of old advertising techniques, as all the consumers would do was watch television adverts or listen to radio commercials and peruse papers for information on the various vendors.

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