Cyber Security. Internet privacy, security and surveillance are important to protect our finances and moral values.

Cyber Security. Internet privacy, security and surveillance are important to protect our finances and moral values.

Cyber Security

Thesis Statement: Internet privacy, security and surveillance are important to protect our finances and moral values.

The protection of the financial sector from attacks of different kinds that facilitate obtaining information on business transactions is a necessity for the global economy that is increasingly adopting the online platform for business. Risks involved in security breaches that reveal user information leading to potentially serious financial losses have stood in the way for a completely functional online business platform (Robin para.3). The recent successes in online transactions and banking have shown tremendous improvements for the computing world, in dealing with potential threats. This comes as a promising future for the integrity of cyber transactions in overcoming the vice. It should be important for the computing world to facilitate a safer attribute for the simpler version of business presented by cyber transactions before a completely online-based economy gets rolled out. To illustrate the recent successes, the ambitious mobile banking products currently operating in some African countries cannot thrive without the proper mechanisms to protect the economy of the developing world. The importance of security at such an economic level not only touches on the support of micro and medium level businesses in rural areas of the developing world but on the national economy of an entire country. In the near future, it will be comfortably possible to predict that the laxity in rolling out a safe environment for an online-based global economy will have to end in order to open up unexploited potential and opportunity of the global community.

Humans are social beings with complicated social order attributes that need balancing at all times for the benefit of the society remaining as a functional unit. Among the most important social attributes that hold the human society together are social values and morals. This important attribute of the society however remains exposed to blatant abuse by certain immoral elements that misuse the internet. Cyber security breaches have been a target by the sections of social misfits attacking the social fabric of the human race through the internet to cause disability to social values. Posting of immoral content on the internet and distributing it to the global audience is an attack on the social integrity of the human community. It therefore follows that the security mechanisms formulated by the authorities to counter cyber attacks must consider protecting social values in the global village for a better society to thrive (RCG, 6). A cold culture without human values and morals is tantamount to the elimination of the human race if the internet continues to enjoy unchecked access to dump immoral content for an audience that is unwilling to destroy the social fabric. To illustrate the magnitude of potential risks posed by cyber misuse with regard to social values and morals, the society is increasingly under the threat of being unable to control explicit content and highlight of social vices as a way of life. The influence that the dissemination of negative content has to the society not only affects children but also poisons the minds of the general audience. Social leaders and families will continue to struggle to regain control of the social units they are in-charge of until the content of the internet is safe to the society moral values.

Robin, “5 Major Internet Security Threats to Avoid,” Last updated 22 June 2011, Web. HYPERLINK “” (Accessed 21 March 2012)

Thomson, Ian. “Government, Business, Military are Internet Security Threats,” 2012, Web. HYPERLINK “” (Accessed 21 March 2012)

RCG, “Immorality Explosion,” 2003, Web. HYPERLINK “” (Accessed 21 March 2012)