Cultural Diversity in Business Organizations

Cultural Diversity in Business Organizations


10 June, 15

Cultural Diversity in Business Organizations

Topic: Cultural Diversity in Business Organizations

Research Question: Does cultural diversity promote organizational cohesiveness and performance?

I am interested in this topic because most organizations are currently under pressure to engage partners, including employees, from different cultural backgrounds to have a positive outlook within the public. Organizations have a range of individuals with differing cultural and personal orientations, which define how they perceive things and execute the duties assigned to them (Staples and Lina 389). This topic will help in knowing how diversity exactly affects organizational cohesiveness and performance despite the challenges. Cultural diversity incorporates the differing symphony of members of an institution in the realms of nationality, pursuit, color, gender, dogma, religion, and/or age (Palthe 51). In other terms, it reflects a cultural array present among people who come from different backgrounds. Cultural diversity also dictates the aspects of organizational behavior, which consequently defines the interaction’s nature among employees and other partners in an organization. I would also like to learn whether proper studies have been done to unveil the significance of cultural diversity within business organizations, and how such diversities influence the business performance in terms of communication, productivity, innovativeness, and novelty. The constructive influences related to cultural diversity help in the facilitation of the organizational members to put up interrelations and acknowledgements among employees in spite of the differences in origin as well as background (Oya 296). Most organizations have embraced cultural diversity to enhance their innovativeness and market penetration in vast regions. People from different cultures when brought together are able to consolidate different ideologies from diverse backgrounds to enhance its operations. Investigating more about this will expand my knowledge on the subject area. This will establish a different viewpoint on how multinational or locally established businesses operate through a strategic incorporation of cultural diversity in their midst.

Key search terms: Cultural diversity, organizational performance, and employees productivity.

Works Cited

Oya, AytemizSeymen. “The Cultural Diversity Phenomenon in Organisations and Different Approaches for Effective Cultural Diversity Management: A Literary Review.” Cross Cultural Management 13.4 (2006): 296-315.

Palthe, Jennifer. “Cross-Level Cultural Congruence: Implications for Managing Diversity in Multinational Corporations.” Journal of Diversity Management (Online) 9.1 (2014): 51.

Staples, D. S., and Lina Zhao. “The Effects of Cultural Diversity in Virtual Teams Versus Face-to-Face Teams.” Group Decision and Negotiation 15.4 (2006): 389-406.