The Proposal Template
Dissertation Consultation
Critically analyze, examine and evaluate the importance of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) influence in the development of contemporary enterprise.
Research Question(s)
The main research questions are formulated for this study was to analyze, examine and evaluate the importance of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) influence in the development of contemporary enterprise. This was determined through both Quantitative and Qualitative methods. The following general research questions are formulated to engage the study:
How do Corporate Social Responsibility measures adopted by enterprises affect their bottom line?
Are there disparities in Corporate Social Responsibility measures among enterprises?
What factors contribute to disparities in Corporate Social Responsibility measures among enterprises?
How do the enterprises formulate their CSR strategies or frameworks?
How can Corporate Social Responsibility effectiveness in contemporary enterprises be measured?
Corporate social responsibility has rapidly grown for the last ten years. Presently, over 50% of the Fortune 1000 companies give CSR reports (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2008). A big proportion of companies now are involved in a serious attempt to define and incorporate CSR into each aspect of their operations. A large number of shareholders, employees, customers, regulators, labor unions, community organizations, and media houses are encouraging companies adopt CSR issues. This is why it makes it interesting to study how CSR influence organizations, hence the selection of this question.
Proposed methods and ethical considerations
This study will use both primary and secondary research data to analyze the investigations. For all the objectives, secondary research is being carried out to, examine and evaluate the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility influence in the development of contemporary enterprise. Due to sufficiency of data available for secondary research, primary research will be backed up by secondary research in order to provide proper examples and solutions to the relevant questions.
Secondary analysis is the analysis of data by researchers who were not directly involved in obtaining data which is carried out by others who were directly involved in collection of data Dale, Arber & Proctor (2007). A variety of secondary research is being collected from journals, books, articles, newspapers and electronic databases for data collection analysis.
Secondary research will be based on literature review and case study to investigate the influence of CSR on selected contemporary organizations. Case study offers true example of success or failures of CSR, and insights to the current research question. Literature review helps with qualitative research as it presents main themes from previous studies. The quantitative and qualitative research approaches when combined offer a holistic understanding of the influence of CSR on selected contemporary organizations.
Primary research will be carried out using questionnaire.
Questionnaire: The study selected questionnaires because, it is a simple survey approach and offers the best way to measure the influence of CSR on enterprises. The participants will be asked to fill the questionnaires, the results obtained will be analyzed using SPSS, this program is chosen because it is good in analyzing data collected. Sampling is required to generate accurate and reliable information obtained by surveys. However, it is not decided yet, which sampling method should be applied to the research.
Ethical issues involved in data collection will be put into consideration. All the participants selected for this survey will first be informed and they consent seek first. The information they give will be treated with confidentiality. These two issues of consent and confidentiality are very important in research practice. As noted by Dale, Arber, Proctor (2007) the confidentiality of the participant should be respected and any lawful requirement on information protection is followed. In this study, the participants will be informed concerning the objective of the study, and the participant’s consent to take part in the study will be recorded.
Outline Timetable
Dale, Arber, Proctor (2007). Business Research methods. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford Press. 326
Johnson, G .Scholes, K. and Whittington R. (2008): Exploring Corporate Strategy, Text and Cases, 8th ed. FT Prentice-Hall
AppendixSurvey on CSR programs
Kindly take a few minutes to fill this questionnaire on CSR programs in your organization. Your answers to the questions asked will help your organization and other organizations to know and evaluate the importance of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) influence in the development of contemporary enterprises. Thank you for your cooperation.
Section 1: Oganisation details
1. Kindly give the name of your organisation
2. Kindly state the industry in which your organisation operates in ( for example computer, textile, telecommunication etc)
3. How big is your organization
Medium sized
4. Which are the main stakeholders that your organisation targets through its CSR programs
Regulatory agencies
Local communities,
Government bodies
5. What is the main reason why your organisation has adopted CSR programs
Social concerns
Competitive pressure
Local community pressure
Regulatory obligations
Attracting new customers/and customers
Environmental concerns
6. Has your organisation implemented code of ethics and/or environmental friendly code?
7. Which indicator does your organisation use to measure the effectiveness of its CSR programs?
Economic indicator
Environmental indicator
Social indicator (e.g.
8. In regard to CSR adaptation, your organisation belongs to which group
CSR leaders (setting industry standards)
CSR adopters (have considerable understanding of CSR)
CSR Newcomers (have just basic knowledge)
9. Has your organisation adopted any of the following key activities?
Internal and external reporting of CSR performance
Evaluation of the organisation’s CSR performance
In-depth stakeholder assessment
Definition of proper CSR relevant indicator set
10. What is your level of satisfaction with the current CSR programs?
Very good
Very bad