Critical Success Factors for your Business Plan
Critical Success Factors for your Business Plan
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Critical Success Factors Reason for Importance Steps Taken to Ensure Attainment
Technology implementation Supports the hair salon and its growth through reducing the man power, increased efficiency, reduced the overall cost, and creates efficient means to reach new markets and access to quality products. Looking for the qualified and experienced personals to install internet and other technology devices.
Purchasing products like computers, cables, and other machines from certified dealers to avoid breakages that might cause inconveniences.
Advertisements Advertisement will improve means of gathering customer information to have perfect marketing services. In addition, it creates awareness of the unique services offered in the hair salon therefore, creating a perfect business reputation through providing superior customer services. Advertisement using articles, blogging, link building and forum posting where the team posts about the services offered and their prices. The method makes use of key words, like product/ service name tag, to attract more customers.
Use of demographics that divide the segments of the population in terms of age and gender. These will assist in defining the type of audience to give to each age group.
Outside suppliers The outside suppliers will promote global expansion of the salon by adding services offered by well established salons. In addition, outside suppliers will assist the Family Affair Salon in establishing its markets in other growing economies. Use of international franchising will assist in expanding the business globally by supplying quality materials for operating the salon.
Contracting suppliers who have more years experience on supplying salon products.
Banker, M. (2013). Top 7 Critical Business Success Factors 2000. Retrieved from:
Brassington, F. & Pettitt, S. (2007). Essentials of Marketing. The Second edition. Harlow:
Financial Times. Prentice Hall.
Kobliski, K. J. (2013). Choosing the Bbest Ad methods for your Business. Retrieved from: