Climate Change Miami

Climate Change Miami

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Climate Change: Miami


Miami remains one of the most susceptible regions to the adversities of climate change given its subtropical nature and proximity to the coast. Extreme heat levels and humidity have been characteristic of climate change in the region. On average, Miami currently experiences 25 dangerous heat days per year. The witnessed climatic changes have been directly or indirectly attributed to human activities. The onus is therefore on Miamians to take the necessary steps to protect their environment and restore the climate and prevent further climatic adversities. This paper is a proposal of what Miamians can do in that regard. In its proposition, the paper uses two sources; “Why is it Important to Restore the Everglades?” by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and “Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest Landscape” by science magazine. The paper proposes tropical forest restoration as a means of preventing climate change. This specific solution discusses protecting the 5 percent of the landmass that is left through releasing the land to let nature work itself up, and having means of protection to speed up the process.

Summary of the first source.

Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest Landscape; Project Drawdown / source not only supports the proposed solution with data but also comes from an environmentalist group concerned with the preservation of climate and the ecosystem. It elaborates how restoring tropical forests will aid in the preservation of the climate highlighting the role of tropical vegetation in minimizing greenhouse gases that culminate in global warming. The impact of global warming on climate is known.

Summary of the second source

Why is Important to Restore the Everglades source further explained why restoration of the ecosystem is an effective way of preventing climate change. It describes the ecosystem as an intrinsically self-sufficient cycle with enormous benefits to the climate. It highlighted some aspects of the Everglades that make its restoration a crucial step in any efforts towards the preservation of climate. This is clearly supports the strategy proposed in this paper as a means to preventing climate change.

Synthesis of both sources

The sources are similar in the sense that they are all from environmentalist groups trying to propose means to climate and environmental conservation. Their goal is the same goal that this report pursues. The sources are recent making them even more relevant since they are based on recent facts impacting our subject.


Restoring tropical forests in Miami would be a major step in preventing further climate change especially with regards to the Heat in the region caused by global warming. Forestation is a leading remedy for climate change and the greatest constraint to global warming (EPA). One of the factors behind the changing Miami climate over the years has been urbanization and population growth. More carbon, – the main component of greenhouse gases, is released into the atmosphere by people, cars, and other human activities. Yet these activities continue to destroy plants that would have taken up carbon and reduced its effects on climate. Restoring tropical forests all around Miami can be initiated by environmental authorities and groups. Authorities and these groups can call upon the public to engage in tree planting days in the tropical areas and planting of other forms of vegetation. The plan is practical and is likely to be embraced by the public. Climate change has been a reigning topic and most people will find it worthy to engage in such a course. Restoring tropical forests and vegetation will translate to reduced carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, reduced global warming, and reduced heat that is so characteristic of Miami. Global warming is not only responsible for heat but also rising sea levels that have seen frequent flooding in parts of the region.

Miami is racing against time to keep up with rising sea levels courtesy of global warming

The second step to preventing climate change is protecting the Everglade. Restoration efforts can only be fruitful if conservation is done to what is already in place. The Everglades is one of the pillars still holding our climate together. It supports rich plant life, that as discussed, is crucial in taming global warming. Were it not for it, the change would have been much more severe and we would feel much worse impacts of global warming precipitated by the various activities and lifestyles we adopt. People in Miami-Dade County have access to the everglades, which is a connection of tropical wetlands and forests connected to a river. The Everglades have been harmed throughout the time by the altering of landscape, causing major harm to its habitat and functions (EPA). People in Miami- Dade county could take action into protecting the best way possible what is left of the Everglades and bring it back to life. Steps that can be taken to conserve the Everglades include; less use of cars while visiting the Everglades, plant a tree, avoid littering – littering releases toxic substances to the soil thus impacting plant life, and avoid the use of electronics while visiting the Everglades. All these are simple practical steps that people can take to conserve the Everglades and in turn prevent climate change

Everglades National Park. The park is accredited as a major pillar of climate preservation.


In general, in order to protect Miami against climate change, the people of Miami can come together and do the simple things proposed in the report. It is the simple things like littering or planting a tree that ultimately impacts our climate. I however think these efforts can only be effective if undertaken in many regions in the country and not just Miami.

Works Cited

Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest Landscape; Project Drawdown is Important to Restore the Everglades