Chrysler contracting company

Chrysler contracting company

Chrysler contracting company

Company Address; 215569

Contact no. 020-77034016

Date: 11/11/2014

Mr. Scott Bartosiewicz

Company’s writer

Contracting department

Employee code no. 12345

Dear Mr. Bartosiewicz,

In accordance to HR policy number 202-a (Creation of obscene tweets against Chrysler company manual), we are forced to issue a warning letter to you for violating the company’s written rules and regulations. The rules and regulations on any internet tweets have been clarified to you since the first day of work and you agreed to abide to it. You happened to tweet to Chrysler brand officials and this has affected the company’s performance and productivity appraisal ranking since the contract has been withdraw from us and this is a loss to the company. In addition 20 people have lost their jobs due to your misconduct.

We would like you to write an apology letter to the Chrysler brand’s official explaining why you violated the rules and incase of a repetition of the same what the precautions the company should take against you. In addition you should ask them to reconsider the contract they had made with the company.

The company has learned that your post happened unintentionally and that’s why it is giving you this second chance to work with us. Hence forth your messages shall be tracked whether private or business messages to prevent any careless mistakes. The company has decided to retain you if only after you adhere to the above demands and submit the letter as soon as possible. In future when you continue violating the company, you shall be liable for any law suits that will be initiated along. In addition the company might be forced to terminate your service in case you do not cope and adhere to the company policy.




HR and Employee relations