Choose one letter from below. Each line offers 2 famous iconic works that share some commonalities

Choose one letter from below. Each line offers 2 famous iconic works that share some commonalities

Analysis  #2:

Choose one letter from below. Each line offers 2 famous iconic works that share some commonalities: painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, theatre, dance, photography, cinema, television and video art, or music. (Be sure to choose 2 works that you really like.) Underline specific terms of each genre in the essay.

Use the internet, scholarly sources only.

Make a chart or a powerpoint presentation or an essay.

(20 points)

Earth Goddess w/ Snakes & Roman matron & Gothic French 14th ct Madonna

Book of Kells Chi, Rho, Iota page & Book of Hours/Heures, Limbourg Brothers

Great Mosque at Cordoba & Sainte-Chapelle, Paris

Sainte Chapelle & St. Patrick’s Cathedral (New York)

Sainte Chapelle & Sainte Marie Madeleine, VezelayCalf Bearer & Apollo & Christian Good Shepherd

Cave Paintings & Unicorn Tapestries (Cluny, New York, etc.)

Van Gogh Starry Night cc Gershwin “Rhapsody in Blue”

Wright Falling Water cc. Chopin – selection from piano, sonata, etc.

Hopper Nighthawks cc Hemingway’s “Clean Well, Lighted Place”

 Joyce “Araby” cc Gothic culture and architecture

Dorothy Lange Migrant Mother; Nipomo California cc Cindy Sherman

Eero Saarinen St. Louis Arch cc Rude Arc de Triomph 

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Analysis 2 Rubric

Analysis 2 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts


view longer description 2 pts

Well done

Clear intro, conclusion, support Clear chart organization Clear Powerpoint0 pts

Missing some / 2 pts


view longer description 2 pts

Presented Clearly

0 pts

Sloppy, unfinished, unclear / 2 pts

Word Count

view longer description 2 pts

1000 words

0 pts

No depth

Unclear comparisons / 2 pts

Images Included

view longer description 2 pts

Remembered Images

0 pts

Forgot Images / 2 pts

MLA Works Cited…In text Citations

view longer description 4 pts

You supported your claims with sources and works cited page

0 pts


You forgot to cite your sources, support your claims and make a works cited page. / 4 pts

CONTENT: Similarities and Differences

view longer description 3 pts

You presented 3 similarities / differences

0 pts

0-3 You present only less than 3 similarities / differences / 3 pts

Culture and Context

view longer description 3 pts

You discuss the H.C. and C.R. at length

0 pts

0-3 You don’t discuss H.C. and C.R. at length / 3 pts

Function and Meaning

view longer description 2 pts

You present the meaning for each work of art

0 pts


You don’t discuss the meaning and function of each work of art. / 2 pts

Total Points: 0