Boosting Servers Capacity and Storage
Boosting Servers Capacity and Storage
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The biggest challenge that many technological experts face is designing a server that can handle thousands of connections and events at the same time. Institutions that frequently increase the numbers of students being admitted often would function well when the server will accommodate the fast growing number of students and staff without being compromised (Redmond, 2013). There are several ways that can be used to counter the growing number of students. Libev and Libevent are applications designed by the IBM technological corporation to offer high performance applications and also support the large and increasing number of students that could be operating on the institutions server simultaneously (Muller, 2005). Virtualization also works efficiently in offering solutions that require integrate computing, expansion of storage and improvement of a network’s agility and efficiency.
Use of the terabyte and spindle count on the SQL servers it is possible to increase the functionality and capacity of the SANs using the 2TB SATA disks. These disks can effectively jam over 10 TB in just two unit server (Muller, 2005). Such technology is much cheaper and can effectively meet the institution’s computer and technological demands. SATA disks are often small and work at an extremely fast rate. The 2TB disk can perfectly fit onto a 7200 rpm SATA disk and also can accommodate over 80 I/O per second (Redmond, 2013).
The Libev and Libevent technology is another alternative that can meet and match the technological needs of the growing number of students. The IBM technique once installed allows large number of students to update information from web pages without causing a system failure. The system accommodates open connections for numerous students and staff at a go. The technique buffers event data and also implements DNS, RPC and HTTP systems (Muller, 2005). When a student is connected to the system, his/ her connection is added to the event queue and when the students logs out his/ her connection is terminated from the system and queue. Libev and Libevent during the connection process identify the each request received in its system and responds to it immediately (Stephens & Plew, 2012).
The most common problems encountered during upgrade of servers to accommodate the increasing number of students are for instance failure of the task state. Such problems occur when the upgrade for instance from exchange server 2010 to 2013 was improperly configured. Other common problems during upgrade of the Microsoft SQL servers are (SQL0270N Function not supported reason code= “100”) (Redmond, 2013). Such problem arises due to poor configuration and alertness during the SQL upgrading period. Technological upgrade personal need to be cautious and monitor every bit of the upgrade to ensure the system works perfectly.
Considering the increased number of students, it is necessary to upgrading the servers to the SQL Microsoft 2013 server to accommodate a large number of users over the two year period. The installation starts well but after some time, the server setup fails and eventually starts rolling back. When the process is repeated, the SQL server repeats the same error (Redmond, 2013). During such complication, it is likely that the server lacks the capacity to host SQL services and that could be the reason only few shared features can be seen. The computer often displays “error: failed to run patch request for instance”. Installing spPowerPivot.msi resolves the problem and enables the computer to successfully run the upgrade.
Virtualization is defined as the act of generating a virtual version of something. It is divided into two major categories which are the hardware and desktop virtualization. The system can effectively offer manageability and not only boost the server’s capacity but also reduce the overreliance of physical servers. A reduction in the number of physical servers has numerous benefits such as reduction in terms of manpower required to monitor and handle the servers (Stephens & Plew, 2012). Secondly the rate of power consumption is reduced while a large number of students is served. Despite having a lot of good the virtualization technology could be stressful to use especially when not properly configured in the system.
Data de-duplication technique can be essential in curbing and avoiding the cost of purchasing expensive storage capacities of over 100 terabytes (Stephens & Plew, 2012). Data that is similar is weeded out and only unique data is stored in the system. This result to reduction in the amount of data stored and unnecessary information eliminated. Although the system can be of great use in meeting the growing number of students, de-duplication requires a lot of labor. Use of performance acceleration modules however can be used to solve the labor problem because the modules consolidate duplicated blocks saving capacity and enhancing performance.
Errors resulting from Microsoft SQL upgrades are easily solved. Frequent checking of the %temp% folder helps identify the problems that can arise from the upgrade. The Libev technique by a large extends boost the capacity of a system to accommodate thousand requests at a given time. The technique serves the purpose of ensuring that the system does not crush or incidences of low network and internet connectivity witnessed (Redmond, 2013). Similarly, the Sata disks have the capacity of enabling low storage disks offer the services of large storage devices. The I/O and rpm speed is also enhanced when using this technique hence efficiency is achieved.
Muller, A. (2005). Virtualization with VMware ESX Server. Rockland, MA: Syngress.
Network Upgrade for the SLC PEP II Network. (2011). Washington, D.C: United States. Dept. of Energy.
Redmond, T. (2013). Microsoft Exchange server 2013 mailbox and high availability. Redmond, Wash.: Microsoft Press.
Stephens, R. K., & Plew, R. R. (2012). SQL (5e ed. ed.). Paris: Pearson Education.