ARCH8015 Module 1 Assessment. Module 1 Funding Body Profiles Template

ARCH8015 Module 1 Assessment. Module 1 Funding Body Profiles Template

Funding Body ProfilesARCH8015 Module 1 Assessment Task – Funding body profiles

1. Name of the funding body: The Toyota Foundation

URL (website address) An explanation of where their money comes from A list of what types of activities / items they will provide money for How much money will they award? A list of who is eligible to apply A list of who is ineligible to apply Toyota Motor Corporation limited

Toyota Motor Sales Company Limited.

(The Toyota foundation, (Dec 2010) Education


Development practices

Activism in Japan and internationally

(The Toyota Foundation, April 2010) Small scale grants to Asian neighbours of up to 2 million yens

Regular grants to Asian neighbours ranging between 2 million to 8 million yen per project for two years

Individual research grants of up to 2 million yen per project for one or two years

Joint research is awarded up to 8 million yen per project for one to two years.

(The Toyota Foundation, April 2010) Researchers at universities

Research institutes


Individuals without organizational affiliations

(The Toyota Foundation, April 2010) Political parties or candidates

Lobbying activities

Labour organizations

Fraternal organizations



(The Toyota Foundation, April 2010)

A brief summary of their objectives or aims in providing funding

The Toyota foundation is a grant making body established in 1974 by the Toyota Motor Corporation. According to Vision 2010 of Toyota foundation, this foundation aims at creating frameworks that will lead to concrete solutions to issues faced by their communities in the course of their revitalization and advancement, (The Toyota Foundation, Sept 2010). This foundation aims at fostering young generations to carry the community forward.

As explained in The Toyota Foundation, (Sept 2010), this foundation aims at supporting efforts to establish networks among neighbours. Under its mission The Toyota foundation focuses on providing support for projects aimed at preserving, utilizing and transmitting indigenous documents in Asia containing histories, customs and world views of people in Asia. Generally, this foundation intends to form a sustainable framework through giving support to ambitious projects by local residents, (The Toyota Foundation, Sept 2010).

A brief description of at least three projects they have funded in the past

Project 1: In the year 2007, the Toyota foundation implemented a two year grant for building a network among weavers and rattan farmers in Kalimantan., (The Toyota foundation, (Dec 2010).

Project 2: In the year 20087, Toyota Foundation put up a 12 million yens project to create a peace-building network for the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh, (The Toyota foundation, (Dec 2010).

Project 3: In the year 2007, Toyota Foundation funded a 3.5 million yen project under the Asian neighbours’ network program headed by Won Gi-Joon, (The Toyota foundation, (Dec 2010).

Any other relevant information

The Toyota Foundation does not fund indirect costs, administrative costs or overheads. In addition, it does fund events and functions held on regular, (The Toyota Foundation, April 2010)

2. Name of the funding body: National Geographic

URL (website address) An explanation of where their money comes from A list of what types of activities / items they will provide money for How much money will they award? A list of who is eligible to apply A list of who is ineligible to apply Net proceeds from the sale of the geographic public participation kits

Government grants

Private and public contributions

(National Geographic, Jan, 2011). Research investigations

Conservation projects

Exploration projects

Geographic education


curriculum materials

outreach programs

(National Geographic, Jan, 2011). The grants range from $15,000 to 20,000.

(National Geographic, Jan, 2011). Individuals



Research institutions

Geographic archives

(National Geographic, Jan, 2011). Archaeological sites

Artefacts sites


Persons with criminal records

(National Geographic, Jan, 2011).

A brief summary of their objectives or aims in providing funding

National Geographic is a funding body based in United States that supports conservation activities around the world that fall within its mission. Through awarding of grants, this body intends to support projects with both geographic dimension and relevance to other scientific fields and also with broad scientific interest. As explained in National Geographic charter document, the mission of this body is to increase and diffuse geographical knowledge while promoting conservation of the world’s cultural and natural resources, (National Geographic, March, 2010).

According to National Geographic charter document, this organization seeks to fulfil scientific and education objectives through supporting vital projects in the areas of research, conservation, exploration, education and public outreach. In short, the fundamental objective of National Geographic is to support projects that contribute significantly to the preservation and sustainable use of the earth’s biological, cultural and historical resources, (National Geographic, March, 2010).

A brief description of at least three projects they have funded in the past

Project 1: National Geographic is currently funding an initiative aimed at preserving African lions, which was pioneered by veteran wildlife film makers and photographers, Mr Dereck and MR Breverly in the year 2006.( National Geographic, Jan, 2011),

Project 2: Since the year 2005, National Geographic has funded a project aimed at saving the endangered fish species in lakes and oceans that was initiated by Mr Zeb Hogan. The project has been funded to gather data, work with local fishers to catch the endangered species, tag them and release them back for future studies, (National Geographic, Jan, 2011).

Project 3: National Geographic has been supporting project intended to help women from Afghanistan to the improvement of educational and life opportunities. The body has been providing creative tools and resources to help Afghanistan women to develop their own skills, and sense of self. (National Geographic, Jan, 2011),

Any other relevant information

Applications for grants are limited to the following disciplines: biology, geography, anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, botany, geology, oceanography, palaeontology, and zoology, (National Geographic, Jan, 2011).ARCH8015 Module 1 Assessment Task – Funding body profiles

3. Name of the funding body: The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia (ICPA)

URL (website address) An explanation of where their money comes from A list of what types of activities / items they will provide money for How much money will they award? A list of who is eligible to apply A list of who is ineligible to apply ICPA is funded by the government of Australia, (ICPA, 2011) Distance education

Hostels for boarding schools


Early childhood education

Rural and remote education

Specific learning needs such as learning disabilities and difficulties

Tertiary education

(ICPA, 2009, p. 10)

The amount of money awarded subject to the activity in question. For example, boarding allowance is set at 55% of average boarding fee in Australia. However, additional allowances may be given but which are subject to tests.

(ICPA, 2009, p. 10)

Individual students and citizens



(ICPA, 2011) Non-citizens of Australian





(ICPA, 2011).

A brief summary of their objectives or aims in providing funding

ICPA is a political and non-profit making independent body established in Australia which is dedicated to ensure that all students from rural and remote areas have equity access to appropriate and continuing education, (ICPA, 2011). This body seeks to ensure that the federal government continually gives adequate funding to students and schools from disadvantaged regions on an equitable basis. In addition, aims at assisting students from rural and remote areas have access to educational opportunities that are at least equivalent to those available to urban students.

As stipulated under ICPA policies and objectives (2009, p. 2), ICPA aims to ensure that children and families are able to reach their individual optimal educational potential through special education, school term hostels, country area programmes, distance education, education allowances, travel boarding schools and others. In short, the aim of ICPA is to ensure that all elements of education including cultural experiences, social contacts and other enriching activities are available to all children irrespective of their home location, (ICPA, 2009, p. 15)

A brief description of at least three projects they have funded in the past

Project 1: ICPA has been undertaking a project known as Country Areas Programme (CAP) that seeks to ensure that federal government adequately funds students and schools from disadvantaged geographic regions, (ICPA, 2009, p.4).

Project 2: Through a project called early childhood education and care, ICPA seeks to ensure that an appropriate and affordable range of early childhood programmes are available to provide support to children and parents who live in rural and remote areas, (ICPA, 2009, p.3).

Project 3: ICPA ensures the provision of suitable government allowances to students in rural and remote areas, (ICPA, 2009, p.5). Such allowances assist in compensating families and their children for additional costs incurred in their education.

Any other relevant information

Not Applicable.


National Geographic, (Jan, 2011), conservation trust grant application,

Available from

The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia (ICPA), (2011), Working together for equity of access to education

for all students who live in rural and remote Australia

Retrieved from

National Geographic, (March, 2010), Genograghic Legacy Fund Charter Document

Retrieved from

The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia (ICPA), (2009), Policies,

Available from…policy/federal-icpa-policies-booklet.pdf

The Toyota foundation, (December 2010), Grant Projects: Activities,

Retrieved from

The Toyota Foundation, (September 2010), Toyota foundation Vision 2010: Building Better Future

Available from

The Toyota Foundation, (April 2010) developing and managing information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment and

natural resources in the worlds developing countries,

Available from