Annotated Bibliography on Improving Security on Savannah State University’s Campus (2)
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Annotated Bibliography on Improving Security on Savannah State University’s Campus
Improving security in universities consents the students to look forward to being in a serene environment that promotes and encourages social as well as creative learning. Over the past years, savannah state university has experienced a lot of security problems like rape and theft among others whereas some have even gone viral in the country, for example, the increased murder of students in the university. In 2017 for instance, Savannah state university reported a total number of two hundred and thirty-five safety-connected occurrences which involved the students on or near the campus or its other affiliated properties. Recently, Savannah State University has once been placed in the spotlight over the shooting death incidence of a student known as Shakur Clarke on February 24, this year. This is the most recent murder happening in a string of numerous violent crimes that has some students living in fear while others being frustrated.
Rocque, Michael. “Exploring school rampage shootings: Research, theory, and policy.” The Social Science Journal49.3 (2012): 304-313.
This paper by Rocque and Michael inspects the United States rampage shootings of college students, centering on the time since from the late 20th century up to contemporary times. These rampage shootings in schools are believed to be different from the other types of viciousness due to the comparatively safe rural background whereby the majority of these crimes happens. Also due to the absence of specific discrete targets plus the total number of shootings which are involved. According to this paper, this kind of violence appears to have initiated well in the middle of the 1990s. This research shows that some specific components of colleges’ rampage killings are discrete, while others are hard to differentiate them from the standard methods of violence. In this paper, some interventions have mostly been steered by situational criminality prevention relatively than the concepts regarding why violence happens in the institutions of learning.
The purpose of incorporating this source in my proposal is that it provides some reviews of the past incidences of rampage shooting in the institutions of higher learning which helps in comprehending as well as examining the nature of this violent crime. It presents some of the incidences which are regarded to be severe while others are considered as just normal incidences depending on several factors.
Patton, Robert C., and Dennis E. Gregory. “Perceptions of safety by on-campus location, rurality, and type of security/police force: The case of the community college.” Journal of college student development 55.5 (2014): 451-460
This article by Patton examined the Virginia community university and college students’ insights on campus safety. In the study which comprised 11, 161 college students exposed the type of crimes these students’ feared most being a victim of while they are on campus as well as the surrounding areas in they feared and felt a lot and least safe. Moreover, the research established the impact of particular variables portrayed on students’ general discernment of campus safety and security. These variables which were studied comprised of the scholar’s demographics, the existence plus the kind of security persons and finally the rural setting of the campus.
This bibliographic source will help in my current research on improving security on savannah state university’ campus as it will provide the light on carrying the similar survey experiment as well as giving some knowledge on which variables I will apply in the study.
Banyard, Victoria L., Mary M. Moynihan, and Maria T. Crossman. “Reducing sexual violence on campus: The role of student leaders as empowered bystanders.” Journal of College Student Development 50.4 (2009): 446-457.
According to these others, sexual violence is a prevalent delinquent for the college societies, the students, as well as the staff, are progressively being tangled in the prevention efforts. Nevertheless, proper assessment of sexual violence deterrence plans has exhibited some diverse results. One of the recommendation to prevent the prevalence of these crimes is engaging the college communities. The practice targets to raise both the awareness concerning the delinquent of sexual violence as well as building some skills which some entities can apply to end this menace. The context used is centered in the study concerning the origins of sexual violence on campuses besides the aspects recognized by health performance concepts for altering attitudes and conduct. The research conducted provides a brief assessment of a bystander program which was performed comprising some groups of student campus leaders since they exhibit a higher level of understanding what is going on the campuses.
This bibliographic source is helpful for my proposal subject since it will help in analyzing the cases of sexual violence which is among the critical prevalent type of violent crimes on university campuses. Moreover, it provides some of the prevention as well as safety programs in tackling sexual violence on the colleges.
Paludi, Michele A. Understanding and preventing campus violence. Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008.
This piece by Paludi explores the security issues surrounding the institutions of learning especially the colleges and universities. According to the author, the shootings at Virginia Tech as well as that of Illinois University have brought to some critical issues concerning campus violence to the headlines once again. However, it is evident that campuses have always exhibited some problems with sexual harassment, rape, burglary, stalking, and robbery among other forms of violence. The prevalence rates of campus violence, for instance, sexual harassment among undergraduate students are relatively surprising whereby these incidences range between twenty to thirty percent every year. Subsequently, among eight to fifteen percent of college women have reported having been raped.
Luckily according to Michele there exists some solutions to these problems. Michele together with some experts has detailed some preventative procedures plus methods that will enable the students to stay safer on campus. They provide some insights into the causes of these violent acts, and thus they provide preventative techniques as well as the necessary methods which students can apply to safeguard themselves. Moreover, they offer some therapeutic skills for the resulting types of violence: rape. Sexual harassment, robberies, bullying, cyber stalking, homicide besides other forms of violent crimes.
The contents of this bibliographic source help in understanding the nature and types of campus violence. Moreover, it provides the necessary preventative measures for tackling this problem.
Zugazaga, Carole, et al. “Increasing personal safety on campus: implementation of a new personal security system on a university campus.” College student affairs journal 34.1 (2016): 33-47.
According to the authors of this article, the incidence of violent crime on university campuses has intensified over the last decade. Some results from a preliminary study of a computerized, mobile-phone run, individual security system are presented in this article. The students’ who were participating in this study, were to test the described system for eight weeks period, and eventually, they replied to some questions concerning the feelings about their safety while they are on campus and off the campus and then earlier and subsequently after the study. There was also the parent of these students in the study where they even replied to queries concerning student safety.
The results from the study indicated system users’ feelings of their safety amplified following their involvement in the model program. Moreover, the inferences for the campus safety as well as organizational implementation are also analyzed in this article.
Banyard, Victoria L., Mary M. Moynihan, and Maria T. Crossman. “Reducing sexual violence on campus: The role of student leaders as empowered bystanders.” Journal of College Student Development 50.4 (2009): 446-457.
Paludi, Michele A. Understanding and preventing campus violence. Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008.
Patton, Robert C., and Dennis E. Gregory. “Perceptions of safety by on-campus location, rurality, and type of security/police force: The case of the community college.” Journal of college student development 55.5 (2014): 451-460
Rocque, Michael. “Exploring school rampage shootings: Research, theory, and policy.” The Social Science Journal49.3 (2012): 304-313.
Zugazaga, Carole, et al. “Increasing personal safety on campus: implementation of a new personal security system on a university campus.” College student affairs journal 34.1 (2016): 33-47.