Los narcos, El Chapo


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Beith, M. (2011). The last narco. New York: Grove Press.

This source talks about when El Chapo was born and where he was raised. It gives in details how one journalist went to the area the drug cartels used to operate and the atmosphere of the place. Additionally, it talks about his life in prison, and how he had used his influence and money to manipulate all the staff of the prison, and how he escaped after one guard sneaked him through and the operation that was carried out for his search.

Carlos, J., & Aguiar, G. (2017). “Un encuentro con Kate: el “Un encuentro con Kate: el narco jubilado y el catálogo de narco jubilado y el catálogo de Televisa”, por @jcgaguiar Televisa”, por @jcgaguiar [Ebook] (pp. 1-6). Retrieved from pdf?sequence=1

The article talks about a documentary that was uploaded by Netflix on some interviews that were conducted including that from one actor who had a personal relationship with El Chapo. The documentary is called Narcos, which has some intrigues where it shows on how the police force and the cartels are one thing.

Cieza, D., & Arias Henao, D. (2018). La caída del” Chapo” Guzmán y el debate sobre las funciones ocultas del narcotráfico. Retrieved from

The article talks on how the media blew after the arrest of El Chapo, after him disappearing from prisons in the past. It goes ahead to tell on how the arrest of El Chapo is of ethical importance to both international relations and social science.

Grillo, I. (2018). Retrieved from

From this website, we are told of how El Chapos mother and grandmother talked of how he had toiled as a child and how they hope after this trial he gets to go home. It goes ahead to talk on how his trial started on September after he pleaded guilty.

Hernández, A. (2012). Los señores del narco. Mexico: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial.The book talks on how El Chapo has had a run with the authorities when he was on run for 13 years before he was arrested again. It goes ahead to talk on how he had a crush with the DEA from his involvement in all drugs trafficking.

Lee, S. (2017). Politics: Pablo Escobar and “El Chapo” Guzman: How 2 of the world’s most powerful and dangerous drug lords compare. Retrieved from

From this article, El Chapo is compared to his mentor from their early life to how they ended up controlling the drug market. It goes ahead to talk about the escapes done by El Chapo when he was in prison and on his ongoing trial that started in April 2018.

Loera, J. (2018). Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera. Retrieved from

From the website, the life of El Chapo right from his birthplace and year, it goes ahead to elaborate on his family, where his considered father to 9 children and how some of his sons have taken up the drug cartel after his arrest.

RADDEN KEEFEE, P. (2012). Cocaine incorporated [Ebook]. New York Times. Retrieved from

From this article, we are introduced to El Chapo’s wife who gave birth to two babies but omitted his husbands name on the birth certificate and we are told on El Chapos drug operations and how he advanced to trafficking drugs with airplanes. The article also tells us on the death of his mentor after being captured by American authorities.


3. No I did not

4. I just copied some various keywords on both Google and Google scholar, a few articles, websites, books and journals were displayed but I only chose those that were relevant to my project.

5. I have not adjusted the topic, I intend to focus on El Chapos life right from his early life to his continuing trial. I believe his early life played a big role in who he turned to be as the biggest cartel ever in history.

6. I would just need clarification whether the project should center on the early life of El Chapo or his drug life and run with authorities.