Anaerobic Workout

Anaerobic Workout

Anaerobic Workout

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Anaerobic Workout

Anaerobic workout, or rather the anaerobic exercise, is a type of exercise that entails glucose breakdown in the human body in the absence of oxygen gas. Anaerobic exercise usually occurs within short periods as compared to aerobic workouts. Anaerobic exercises offer a variety of human health benefits, such as muscle maintenance and improvement of cardiovascular endurance. Rope jumping, squats, push-ups, sprinting, isometrics, weight lifting, yoga, pull-ups, and sit-ups are anaerobic exercises.

Considering the limited space for anaerobic exercises, some exercises, such as sprinting, maybe unnecessary. The workout plan will only include the practices that do not require much space. The workout plan will consist of a specified time for carrying out the activities.

In our workout plan, only simple home-based exercises are included. During the morning hours, the carrying out push-ups should be one of the first workout activities. Morning hours require easy or rather a beat simpler tasks to avoid getting tired as other daily activities need to be done. About 10 to 20 push-ups per day every morning are recommended for a beginner (Bicer 2021). Push-ups are a simple exercise in that it does not require complex training variables

After the push-ups, squat jumps with rest intervals of about 3 seconds are necessary. The squat jumps exercise aids in the development of thigh muscles. Three sets of squat jumps per day are enough. Since the squat jumps are less strenuous, it is advised to be carried out during the morning hours. Another reason for carrying out the squat jumps in the morning is that it brings the body to rest and helps the general body cool down.

Yoga is the next anaerobic exercise. Yoga may be carried out either in the morning or in the evening as it is also a less strenuous exercise. Depending on the client’s level, whether he/she is a beginner, yoga positions vary from simple functions to complex ones. 10 minutes rime for yoga exercise is enough per day to allow time for other activities also.

Pull-ups are another exercise that has not time-bound that can be carried out either in the morning or in the evening. It is a home-based anaerobic exercise as it also requires less complex training materials and little space. In our case, with only two yoga mats, pull-ups can be a perfect anaerobic exercise to be carried out. Pull-ups can be performed at intervals with a rest time of 2 to three seconds per pull-up workout. A beginner can carry out about 10 to 15 pull-ups per session.

After the pull-ups, rope jumps may be the next exercise. Rope jumps are recommended practice to be performed in the evenings or late afternoon. In the evening or late afternoon, the body muscles are strongest after the day’s activity. Therefore, their flexibility is higher than in the morning (Kianian et al., 2018). Only 10 to 15 minutes of rope jump per session is enough.

Finally, burpee exercise is essential in the completion of daily anaerobic exercise. 10 to 15 minutes is enough for the burpee workout. It is a non-time-bound anaerobic exercise as it can be applied in the morning or evening hours, depending on the client’s preference.


Biçer, M. (2021). The effect of an eight-week strength training program supported with functional sports equipment on male volleyball players’ anaerobic and aerobic power. Science & Sports, 36(2), 137-e1.

Kianian, T., Kermansaravi, F., Saber, S., & Aghamohamadi, F. (2018). The impact of aerobic and anaerobic exercises on the level of depression, anxiety, stress, and happiness of non-athlete male. Zahedan journal of research in medical sciences, 20(1), e14349.