An Annotated Bibliography When I’m Gone Eminem
An Annotated Bibliography: When I’m Gone Eminem
Macleod, Duncan “Eminem at Recovery Meeting in When I’m Gone.” The Inspiration Room, 7 Jan. 2015,
This article looks at the meaning of Eminem song as part of his recovery journey after suffering from addiction. The author points out that the music video of the song was released just a few days after Eminem had been hospitalized and then entered rehab for use of drugs. The video points out Eminem in a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. The first person in the video explains how he has been attending the meetings for six years but he was happy that he had become a different person. When the moderator asks who else wants to share, Eminem step up and that is when he begins singing the lyrics to the song. The article goes to point out that the estrangement Eminem is going through including a drift from his family was because of his drug use and rapping careers.
This article is useful as it links the music video with the lyrics to the video explaining what Eminem meant in his song. This article helps me get a deeper understanding of the Eminem’s song because of its link with the music video in trying to explain the lyrics to the video. This article however focuses more on the music video and not the lyrics. It may be a little useful when talking of how the lyrics are linked to Eminem’s drug addiction
“When I’m gone by Eminem – Song facts.” Song Meanings at Song facts,
This article begins by acknowledging that this is the second most personal song aside from mocking bird. The author then proceeds to point out that in this song, Eminem was telling his fans his final goodbyes in tithe music industry as the song was taking a toll on his life. He states that his daughter Hailie needs him and he wants to lead a normal life with his daughter’s involvement in it. He is stating that he should not be sad as he exits because he is thinking of his family.
This article is important as it gives another meaning to the lyrics that most article do not see. It states the lyrics are dedicated to the audience as Eminem is trying to create time for himself and the family. This article will be important in helping me understand how this song may also be a dedication to the audience as he points out his struggles with addiction
Dawkins, Marcia Alesan. Eminem: The Real Slim Shady: The Real Slim Shady. ABC-CLIO, 2013.
This article explores how Eminem keeps referring himself as the real slim shady. In the song when I’m one he uses these exact same line several time. The author points out that Eminem uses this words. He talks of how Eminem has been sacksful in the music industry that was predominantly dominated by African Americans. The author points out that Eminem’s song when I’m gone talks of two key things: the first is his struggle with addiction and the second is how the music industry was messing up with his family,
This article will be important in my writing as it looks at Eminem’s way of rapping and where he gets his inspiration. By understand the different lyrics Eminem has constantly used in different lyrics will help me broaden my understanding on what Eminem was trying to imply.
“Take a Smile.” Take a Smile,
The article states that Eminem’s When I’ gone was a song addressed to his daughter. He was explaining the love that he had for his daughter and how his career was messing up with his family relationship. The author points out that Hailie who is Eminem’s daughter is the center of the story and he felt bad that he was not able to be there for his daughter. The author also points out that Eminem may also be attributing his absence from his family may be due to his celebrity status. The author also points out the constant questions that Eminem keep posing as if directed to the audience as if he is trying to make them understand what he is going through
This article will help me expound on the meaning of Eminem’s song. It critically analyses the various lines and metaphors that have been used in the verse to understand what message Eminem was trying to pass in the song. This paper will be of great help in building the body of my paragraph as it provides the necessary content needed to expound on my paper. The paper however does not expound on other ongoing versus especially where he talks about his drug use.
Simbolon, Patar. “Family Life Portrayal Viewed from Eminem’s Selected Lyrics.” Family Life Portrayal Viewed from Eminem’s Selected Lyrics. 2009
This article explores the various worlds that Eminem uses in his songs including mocking bird. The author begins by acknowledging the fact that Eminem has whom himself several Grammy awards and this could be due to his word play. The author looks at polysemy, hyponymy, denotation, synonymy, message and autonomy in his music. In the song I’m gone, the author observes. The author points out that Eminem uses his lyrics to express what he believes in and that it cannot help him solve the problems he is going through. For example when sings I followed you daddy/ you told me that you weren’t leaving’/ you lied to me dad, and now you made mommy sad” In this statement he is stating of the pain his daughter felt for breaking the promise he would not leave. The author is also quick to point out how Eminem’s song “When I’m gone” is one of his songs that talks of his personal life
This article helps me have a better understanding of Eminem’s lyrics and what he means when using certain words. The use of semantics in analysis of Eminem’s songs gives a better understanding of the wordplay that Eminem utilizes in his music to bring out certain messages. This paper will be important in developing a conceptual framework in both my introduction and the body and it is a great resource I can use to expound my paper.
Works Cited
Dawkins, Marcia Alesan. Eminem: The Real Slim Shady: The Real Slim Shady. ABC-CLIO, 2013.Macleod, Duncan “Eminem at Recovery Meeting in When I’m Gone.” The Inspiration Room, 7 Jan. 2015,
Simbolon, Patar. “Family Life Portrayal Viewed from Eminem’s Selected Lyrics.” Family Life Portrayal Viewed from Eminem’s Selected Lyrics. 2009
“Take a Smile.” Take a Smile,
When I’m gone by Eminem – Song facts.” Song Meanings at Song facts,